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Sunday, October 27, 2019

Republican Senators Introduce Bill To Move 90 Percent Of Federal Jobs Out Of DC

Two Republican senators have introduced a bill that would see the majority of federal agency jobs move out of Washington, D.C., to economically distressed areas, in a bid to create local jobs across the country.

Sponsored by U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), the bill titled the “Helping Infrastructure Restore the Economy (HIRE) Act” will relocate most federal agencies out of the nation’s capital in a move which the pair say will boost local economies and save taxpayers’ money in the long term by slashing costs.

News of the bill comes a day after Hawley received criticism for backing the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) decision to relocate two sub-agencies to Kansas City, Missouri.



  1. This would cripple Maryland and Virginia. So many people either work for the government or businesses that are in this state because they deal so closing with the government. If they left Northern Virginia and Montgomery, PG and Howard Counties would really take a huge hit.

  2. Best idea I have heard about the government in decades. Separate the swamp rats so they are no longer gathering in the same country clubs, night clubs and restaurants!

  3. 10:21, Which would be big improvement for Md and Va,and the rest of the Country.

  4. The sooner the better both of the counties mentioned above along with northern Va have all the good gov employees living there and are part of our problem here in Md.
    Those two counties and Balt City control our state
    I will help them pack

  5. Anonymous said...
    This would cripple Maryland and Virginia. So many people either work for the government or businesses that are in this state because they deal so closing with the government. If they left Northern Virginia and Montgomery, PG and Howard Counties would really take a huge hit.

    October 26, 2019 at 10:21 AM

    Well, maybe it will get those rich Libtards slopping at the government troughs out of Montgomery and Prince George Counties and we can work on becoming a Red State.

  6. EXACTLY 10:21! What's NOT TO LOVE about that?

  7. The democrats should delight in this spread the wealth idea, but they won't because the lost revenue is in democratic voting strongholds.This bill is going nowhere except perhaps to educate borderline thinkers that in government speak- giving to some means taking from others.

  8. This is one way to drain he swamp

  9. Why didn't they do that 20 years ago

  10. Not in MY backyard! Just leave them in a steaming heap right there.

  11. Time to blow the bridges

  12. 20 years ago, more like 50.


  13. WV has a perfect location for the Dept of Labor: The Trans-Alleghany Lunatic Asylum!

    There is certainly no need to locate the FBI Headquarters in the DC region. Maybe in Kansas or Mississippi or North Dakota.

  14. This is a great idea for economic and national security reasons. Google is trying hard to get in bed with the Chinese military because they want to do more business in China and you have to give up your secrets to do so. The telecommunication companies want to make money by turning over the development of the 5G network to a Chinese company which would also expose control of the internet to the Chinese military. There would be backdoors into every government agency and database that is connected to the internet.
    The Russians are building an emergency closed loop internet for Russia government and military use only. WHY AREN'T WE PAYING ATTENTION? Americas enemies are taking steps that are straight out of The Art of War. There is still time, but not with the National Democrats doing everything they can to destroy the country.

  15. Having worked for the Defense Dept. this would cut in several ways. It would lessen the high salaries and population around the Baltimore/D.C. corridor. And would be a great thing as the congestion there is impossible.
    It would move agencies farther apart and less likely for corruption in the higher up positions.

    But it would also make it much more difficult for agencies to communicate. We went from one agency to another as needed, sometimes working a week at one, and a week at another which was necessary. That would be impossible or extremely expensive to cut up agencies and spread them all over.

    And it would, if not done properly, decimate the D.C. area and could be as much a disaster as Detroit has seen with the loss of the auto industry.

  16. If you work for the Federal Government in DC area (MD, VA) you receive special pay because now listen to this "Private industry personnel" make more money than Government employees. Another good reason to move them to another State.

  17. Do away with M.D.E. Real crooks


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