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Sunday, October 27, 2019

Cummings Had $1M in Campaign Account When He Died

The late U.S. Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.) had more than $1 million in his political bank account at the time of his death, according to newly-released campaign finance records.

Including Cummings, seven of Maryland’s eight incumbents in the House of Representatives reported at least $883,000 in their campaign accounts as of Sept. 30. The one exception was freshman Rep. David J. Trone (D) – a multimillionaire who has largely self-funded his political campaigns so far.

The disposition of Cummings’ ample campaign fund — $1,049,031 — is one of the many unanswered questions left by the congressman’s death last Thursday at the age of 68. A yet-to-be-scheduled special election will take place in the first quarter of 2020 to replace him



  1. Freeze that account and start an investigation in to where the $1.8B went.

    This race-baiting turd and his wife are the most egregious crooks in the history of Maryland....and I'm including Spiro Agnew!

  2. Get to the bottom of this corrupt POSs enterprise & his families connection.

  3. The man was a racist crook- there -that explains it

  4. So, it goes back to the D Party general fund, right?


  5. Where did he get it?? Damn sure not from his bus riding constituents.

  6. Poorest and most dangerous district in Baltimore and he had Million dollars of “ campaign money “ how ridiculous is that. Inherited free campaign money.

  7. Let the man rest in peace and pray for his family and friends loss and for the repose of his soul. God knows all and sees all and takes care of everything.

  8. Just because he's dead, only makes him a dead thief.

  9. Racist crook that died of pure hate and Trump Derangement Syndrome.

  10. In his district? Yeah, ok, that's real possible, NOT!!!

  11. @8:59

    Yeah, lets overlook all his short comings and crooked lifestyle because he is dead. Should we do the same for mass murders?

  12. 9:48 LOL but your spot on!

  13. Well they will just give it to his crooked wife when she takes over his position. Got to keep the crooks and criminals together, you know. Even though she is a thief too that will not matter to the Democrats.

  14. Northwest Woodsman: Crook! Donate the money to a really worthy cause. I, however are unable to think of one in Maryland that is not as corrupt as he was. Maybe donate to animal shelters and veterinary clinics.

  15. I guess his crooked wife will get that.

  16. They write the laws so why not make it profitable for them individually.

  17. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


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