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Sunday, October 27, 2019

Professor Says Grading, Good Grammar Are Examples Of White Supremacy

Ball State University recently hosted a presentation to “engage with the question of how English language practices in college classrooms contribute to white supremacy.”

“Freeing Our Minds and Innovating Our Pedagogy from White Language Supremacy” was the title of the 75-minute guest lecture given on October 14 by Asao Inoue, a professor and the associate dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts at Arizona State University.

“We are all implicated in white supremacy,” Inoue said during his presentation, co-hosted by Ball State’s English department, university writing program, and Office of Inclusive Excellence.

“This is because white supremacist systems like all systems reproduce themselves as a matter of course,” he said. “This includes reproduction of dominant, white, middle-class, monolingual standards for literacy and communication.”
White language supremacy, according to Inoue, is “the condition in classrooms, schools, and society where rewards are given in determined ways to people who can most easily reach them, because those people have more access to the preferred and embodied white language practices, and part of that access is a structural assumption that what is reachable at a given moment for the normative, white, monolingual English user is reachable for all.” 
“Your school can be racist and produce racist outcomes,” Inoue said.
“Even with expressed values and commitments to anti-racism and social justice.”


  1. No racism here. The minorities are getting, in many cases free education without ever preparing and studying in high school and now can not function in a higher education system. However a lot of the blame falls on the high school for not teaching basic reading, writing and math. They would rather teach social justice and socialism and they are not only racist but have set the students up for failure and now the colleges are trying to cover for them so they dont lose their free government money.

  2. This is a prime example of indoctrination in our public schools. When the Hell are Americans going to reach down and find their nads and speak out against this racism.

  3. Just a lot of unintelligible gobbledegook. Who publishes this junk??

  4. I believe the langage he speaks of is called ENGLISH. And it has been spoken since America was first settled. If others want to speak a different langage, go back to your tribal communities where you will fit in.

  5. ummmm....no.....grammar and proper diction are just that....we all got used to very low standards during the last two decades, with an excuse for everything.....how about we all try to better ourselves by not making excuses?

  6. The soft bigotry of low expectations once from the left

  7. Turning students into slaves that will not be able survive without them

  8. DEMOCRATS keeping the black man down X 200 yrs.

  9. The goal is to lower the bar to make everyone equal, equally as stupid as everyone else.


    Actually, it ain't even "logic".

    Most recognize it as candy-ass pseudo-reasoning by people who feel guilty about not being good enough to do anything except whine and complain about how much OTHER people have and why they shouldn't (or don't) have it, too.

  11. Say does this mean we have to adopt the ebonnic standards? Hell even this fool learned and speaks the king english. "What a fool is he" is the english translation
    for the illiterate,
    In ebonic its "that jive Turkey"
    pronounced say whhhhhaaaaat you old fool?

  12. It sounds like Ebonics 2.0 to me. Making up an excuse. One would think that with all of the English-speaking TV shows that everyone would understand proper diction at the very least. I used to teach a Community College course and I was very much surprised at the number of papers turned in, from kids of all backgrounds, that could not put together a proper sentence or spell some very common words properly. I guess that the high school teachers don't teach them "Spell Check" in MS Word class.

    Just my two-cents.

  13. So let me see............if you don't speak in ebonics, you are a white supremacist.???

  14. If using proper grammar and a grading system that warrants you actually are held accountable to do the work then I'm guilty of being a white supremacist. I'll never now down and sell out like these pus**** locally. It makes me sick to watch and listen to people like Day, O'Hare, Dunn.

  15. If we don't "sag" are we white supremacists too?

  16. Again. Blacks can't do it. It's racist.

  17. When Limbaugh talked about the "dumbing down of America", twenty five years ago, I thought he was exaggerating, but here we are!

  18. Says he of the gigantic run-on sentence of nonsensical crap!

  19. I can't take it, my head is going to explode, last week racism was making people fat,please stop the madness.

  20. Stop making excuses for their ignorance.

  21. Have we lost our minds completely? Mabey we should regress to grunts and groans to converse

  22. Northwest Woodsman: You must realize that we are not to hold blacks to any standards acceptable in our society because it would be impossible for them to understand and even minimally comply. Are we setting the stage for two different standards or do students of other races need to receive a dumbed down curriculum just to accommodate blacks? This has gone on long enough.

  23. 154 years, still can't assimilate.


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