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Sunday, October 27, 2019

OC: Seeking Help To Find Suspects WANTED in Assault


  1. good ol oc! nothing but the dregs of society! but they may spend a few bucks!

    1. 8:05- Read the article! Most were from Dundalk. Being from there, that place is the true pits!

    2. Tourists showing their asses when they get away from home

  2. These animals are pure trash

  3. If I have said it once, I have said it a hundred times - stay the hell out of OC. Cross the bridge at your own peril. If you want to visit - go to West O.C. - but don't cross the bridges.

  4. keystone kops much
    they know the hotel they were staying at but didnt go back till morning after they assaulted several people?
    they left their ID's which means they know where they live.
    my 5 year old could solve this crime and find these pos.

  5. IMHO - Ocean City has become the arm pit of MD. Everytime I go into the town, I get burned!! I got caught in the beach parking lot while sitting in my vehicle and having a beer. Then another time, I parked my car near the charter boat, when I returned from fishing, I had several tickets. It seems like everytime I go into the town, I get pick-pocketed by either the police, vendors, or fined.

    1. There is an open container ordinance (yes, that would be beer, liquor)... It is not in place for the purpose of screwing up your visit to OC

    2. I'll quote Jim Carrey from the movie Liar Liar..."quit breaking the law a-hole"

    3. It is there to make money off of people. Who cares if you drink a beer in public.

    4. I totally agree 7:30

  6. The town of O.C. is to expensioso for my family. Damn parking meters are everywhere.

  7. Ocean City needs an enema!!!

  8. I do maintenance for a property management company and overheard the owner talking about how they have overpriced the rentals to a point that no one can afford to stay for a week so they are now doing rentals at 3-4 day mini weeks! I would rather go on two, 2, cruises for the money it would cost to stay a week in O.C. During the on season all you hear day and night is sirens from police, fire or ambulance. Hey I can stay in the big city for less and listen to that all day and night. You can go on at least two Caribbean cruises for less than a week in O.C., think about that!! And no sirens day and night!!!

  9. It's only going to get worse in Worcester and wicomico county thanks to the idiots that call themselves local government

  10. Wanted posters are for people we really didn't want in the first place.

  11. You can take the girls out of Dun-dock (Dundalk) but you just can't get the gum out of their mouth.
    They're are some very trashy people up there.

  12. It's a shame this had to happen to nice people. I go there all the time and am friends with the people that work there. This never happens at this establishment and hope they find these jerks.

  13. Going to OC? Go as far as the bridge, turn around and come back, nothing good on other side of bridge.

  14. Aaaaahhh good old Dundalk Maryland showing its class of citizens here on the shore. I can remember going down to OC back in the 70's and it's a shame to hear some of the stories that happen there today

  15. Check the Facebook accounts of those already identified- likely Facebook friends with some or all of those who have not been identified yet.

  16. A couple things- for those in the hunt- the flyer misspelled a name Schaff is actually spelled Schaaf- Isamaie’s Facebook is under just Isamarie Gonzales-no Harrell. Thomas Harrell goes by Tommy Harrell on Facebook- they both erased their friends, however, if you scroll down you can still identify hundreds of friends- also- they frequent Kislings Tavern in Baltimore- there has to be someone their that wants 1000 bucks

  17. Just a bunch of panty waist, cowardly punks. 4 against 1. Wow, real brave of you there, chump.

  18. We the locals need to start our own vigilante for justice-INSTANT group, and be called up in times like this! Investigate, Apprehend, and DELIVER INSTANT JUSTICE! Maybe then these HEATHENS will leave that trash from whence they crawled out from.

  19. Hope they are arrested soon. No slap on the wrist. They attacked a helpless
    girl. I wonder how they would do with a man.
    They are from Dumbdalk! Armpit of Baltimore.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    We the locals need to start our own vigilante for justice-INSTANT group, and be called up in times like this! Investigate, Apprehend, and DELIVER INSTANT JUSTICE! Maybe then these HEATHENS will leave that trash from whence they crawled out from.

    October 27, 2019 at 10:24 AM

    First, most around here wouldn't dare be a vigilante unless drunk or high. And who the heck would call ya? lol

    Second, that is illegal, but what the hay. Go for it. Third, there is no guarantee your heroes would even get the guilty party.

    And finally, HEATHENS and TRASH would probably be all that could be recruited from THIS area.

    The best bet would be to record evidence and alert the police.

    1. Merry Christmas Dundalk. Hope Santa bust a bottle on YOUR HEAD!!! Ho ho ho


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