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Sunday, October 27, 2019

A Viewer Writes...........10-24-19

Jake Day posts on his Facebook page that Maryland Governor, RINO Larry Hogan endorses Jake Day for Mayor. RINO's Muir Boda, Nate Sansom, Shawn Jester, Mary Beth Carozza and John Hall immediately expressed their love via emojis. Muir Boda is the Vice President of the Wicomico County Republican Central Committee and Nate Sansom was recently appointed to the Republican Central Committee to fill a vacant seat from a member who passed almost a year ago. Their main job on the Central Committee is to elect Republicans not known Socialists. John Hall was a two term Republican County Councilman and Mary Beth Carozza is a Republican State Senator. Shawn Jester was the President of the Wicomico County Republican Club and current employee of Republican Congressman Andy Harris. Shawn Jester is a candidate for the Salisbury City Council and admits he wants to get elected to support "the great things Jake Day has done." To make matters worse the new Republican Central Committee member Nate Sansom shares Jake Day's post and begs other Republicans to vote for him claiming it is 'nonpartisan' race.! We all know Jake Day is a very Partisan Socialist Democrat! This is evidence that the Republican Party is full of RINO's and is in bad shape if they openly support this Socialist.


  1. If you think Jake Day is a child then Nate Sansom is an infant.

  2. Just a good example that this country is in serious trouble. The republican party is no longer a party for the people . The socialist will win by indoctrinating the young with lies and propaganda . There is a revolution being formed , the socialist don't realize what will happen , revelations says the rivers will run red with blood , I'm ready are you.
    The last screams of the democrats " what have I done!!"

  3. Is this part of the Soros Groups plan: destroying from within? Looks like it is working.

  4. Not much of an endorsement. Coming from another failed Maryland governor. You notice that most of the people praising Day are business owners?? More of the same corrupt commerce take care of us. Screw everyone else. But like most Democrats. They only see NOW. They don't understand that commerce in the City and county is failing. Sure you got the good ole boys. But they can't go anywhere. They will go down with the ship.

  5. Just the reason I renounced my Repub affiliation and registered Independent!

  6. Wish there was a Trump party devoid of commie dems and rhinos

  7. Anonymous said...
    If you think Jake Day is a child then Nate Sansom is an infant.

    October 24, 2019 at 8:39 AM

    Two little candy a$$ pansies.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Not much of an endorsement. Coming from another failed Maryland governor. You notice that most of the people praising Day are business owners?? More of the same corrupt commerce take care of us. Screw everyone else. But like most Democrats. They only see NOW. They don't understand that commerce in the City and county is failing. Sure you got the good ole boys. But they can't go anywhere. They will go down with the ship.

    October 24, 2019 at 9:08 AM

    The endorsement isn't the point. The point is that a Republican Governor endorsed this Progressive Homo and it was supported by numerous so called Republicans like Mary Beth Carroza, Carl Anderton, Mark McIver, Shawn Jester, Nate Sansom, Muir Boda, etc.

    1. Don't you get it?? In this State like many. It doesn't matter if you're Democrat or Republican. These people are friends. They socialize together. Kids go to the same schools. He'll half of them are bred together. They come out and get their own party up in arms. Then they go back to their private watering hole and LAUGH AT YOU AND ME. THEY ARE ALL INEPT, CORRUPT, AND LYING PEOPLE. THEY DON'T CARE. UNLESS?? We ALL stop fighting each other and start gathering our votes TOGETHER and vote these FOOLS OUT!!!

  9. I was at the debate last night and Jake Day stated that he was endorsed by Wicomico County's own Republican, Pro-2A Sheriff Mike Lewis.

    Do you or anyone else know if in fact that Mike Lewis has endorsed Jake Day for Salisbury Mare?

    I think a separate post on this topic would be in order to call Mike Lewis out on this. If Mike Lewis did endorse Jake Day then it is time for the Republican Central Committee to find another Sheriff.

    If Mike Lewis hasn't endorsed Jake Day then Mike Lewis needs to speak out on this.

  10. Mary Beth Carroza we made a mistake voting for you and I hope Jim Mathias runs against you in 2022 because he will get our vote and I will campaign with him to beat your Liberal a$$!

  11. Look at Muir Boda and Nate Sansom with their little ❤️ "I Love U" Jake Day emojis. What a couple of queers.

  12. Does anyone know if Larry Hogan really did endorse Jake Day? It wouldn't surprise me if he did and it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't.

  13. Does Nate date boys like Jake does?

  14. Anonymous said...

    October 24, 2019 at 10:29 AM


  15. I want to know if Mike Lewis is endorsing Jake Day??

  16. Larry,Larry,Larry! Time to get back together with Moe and Curly. Knuck,knuck,knuck.

  17. Will never vote for a HOGAN endorsed person.

  18. Interesting Mary Beth playing the Bob Culver card while supporting Jake Interesting ?


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