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Sunday, October 27, 2019

Transgender cyclist Rachel McKinnon wins gold, slams critics: 'Facts don't care about your feelings'

Transgender champion cyclist Rachel McKinnon, who won the gold medal and set a women’s world record at the 2019 Masters Track Cycling World Championship on Saturday, is blasting critics who say she has an unfair advantage because she’s biologically male.

Ms. McKinnon, who is also a philosophy professor at the College of Charleston in South Carolina, told Sky News before the race that she thinks it’s “not fair” for people to support transgender rights in every other part of society except sports.

“All my medical records say female,” she said. “My doctor treats me as a female person, my racing license says female, but people who oppose my existence still want to think of me as male. … There’s a stereotype that men are always stronger than women, so people think there is an unfair advantage. By preventing trans women from competing or requiring them to take medication, you’re denying their human rights.”



  1. Screw you. Or not. I'm confused.

  2. Hmmm Wear blackface, dress up like an Indian or have dreadlocks is considered to be cultural appropriation and is bad. Now we have a man pretending to be a woman and defeating women in women's sports. That is considered to be good. Liberals have all gone crazy.

  3. If there are male parts between those legs, there is nothing female about "him".

  4. Then have a totally separate set of sporting events for just Transgender people only so that the playing field can be equal for everyone and women especially would have a fair advantage. We will just have three sexes, Men, Women, and Transgender.

    1. Probably have to be four; men, women, trans men, trans women.

  5. The LBGT community needs to kick the T out of their group

  6. By now, the public should realize there is no logic for this agenda. Reality is no longer real. Up is down, good is evil, War is peace.

    The elite family bankers have decided to mess with our minds in the media and government which they control. They seek control over our minds ultimately.

    Resist it and drop out of this crazy fake society.

    1. Sexuality has nothing to do with banking

  7. This is where Dems are leading the country.

  8. DNA doesn’t lie cupcake!

  9. Isn't this what the Soviet Union and East Germany to do? Now nobody's got the 'nads to boot them out.

  10. Exactly 2:06 ! Biologically HE is Male !

  11. He should have to ride with no seat

  12. This is wrong, an insult to those born female. How athletics review boards let this slide is beyond rational comprehension.

  13. Wait until the first T wins a tennis grandslam.

    1. Serena already has.

    2. Haha that's funny, does michelle play too ?

  14. “All my medical records say female”. Hate to break it to you junior but your records can say you’re a green alien from Mars but you got a di@k between your legs so that makes you a man🙄 WTF is wrong with our society? 🤦‍♀️

  15. Democrats complain about women’s rights then say gender doesn’t matter

  16. 2 Corinthians 11: 14October 25, 2019 at 7:12 PM

    Satan dresses in many disguises


  17. We still have time to keep this craziness from taking over in the US. Urge your representatives to strip transgender self-id from the Equality Act. No one should just be able to claim they feel like a woman to compete in sports, take scholarships, invade women's shelters and prisons.

  18. Could this thinking have anything to do with the previous article about the drop in people claiming christianity?

  19. They brought it on themselves, for the most part. Hopefully the people will vote more accordingly for their representatives in the future. Right now their elected officials have one sole purpose. Reject the will of the American people, and impeach Trump. Winds of change are approaching. I can't wait to see how dumb Americans are by reelecting these idiots, but I have faith that the likes of AOC and Pelosi are enjoying their last term. Call me an optimist.

  20. Mental illness needs to be institutionalized when it is a danger to society. Lock HIM up. Next...

  21. NO wonder kids that graduate from college are so lost when they are presented the fact that they have to grow up and face real life.

  22. 839
    Thanks you

    The twins were intelligence assets from the beginning.
    Most people don't really understand Talmudic Communism.
    It is complete mind control

    Soon all of Hollwood will "come out" and the population will be amazed at what they learn about these people. It is extremely "weird" in Hollywood and the media in general.

  23. All these stupid arguments just prove George Orwell really could see into the future.

  24. Medical records saying "female" don't mean anything if she gets prostate or testicular cancer.

    Look, I'm calling people whatever they prefer, and accepting the person for who they are.

    But this is a biological man racing women. In the spirit of sportsmanship it's just wrong.

    Even with medication to make a male more feminine, puberty has altered the male bone mass to be bigger, muscle mass is bigger, and it's not competing on a level playing field.

    It has suck for them. May be create their own Transgender sports? I don't know the answer, but being included in sports is just no good.

    I can tell you why this is a silly argument. How many transgender "men" are winning sport competitions? Even with them taking testosterone... this sort of thing doesn't happen.


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