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Sunday, October 27, 2019

Is The Bay Bridge Traffic/Construction Done On Purpose

Maybe this traffic/construction has been done on purpose for political reasons. Think about it! One side wants a new bridge and the other side says no. One thing is for sure, it will cost an amount of money so big NONE of us would ever be able to figure out if it's real or not. Of course this is how politicians line their pockets. 

So when you don't get exactly what you want, put up construction signs and create massive delays. The Eastern Shore says hell no to the new bridge. Why not just piss off so many people that they finally give in and throw their support to it. How do you do that, CONSTRUCTION and DELAYS. 

You have to ask yourselves, do you really believe, (out of nowhere again) that the bridge needs total reconstruction AGAIN? I'm sorry Folks but I smell a very stinky skunk. 


  1. They've been working on this bridge for as long as I can remember. I don't believe at all it is in Dire need of some repair. This is being rammed down Marylanders throats. It's costing citizens ten's of thousands of dollars in gas money sitting, plus the time lost, pressure and anxiety, waitng like Sunday was. Plus all the problems it's creating for people who are sick and need medical treatment at Hopkins, or U. of Maryland to name a few.
    Why Hogan insists on this Is beyond me. I voted for him twice. In this case he seems irrational to sit down, drop this plan, and make a fix that works. Not put lives in jeopardy.
    This is a disaster only getting worse, and will get worse.

    1. The Delaware Memorial Bridge separating DE from NJ is very similar in structure. Is that bridge constantly getting rebuilt and resurfaced ? Just asking ...

  2. I agree Joe

    The Route 50 / 13 bridges were only 20 years old and had to be rebuilt at tremendous expense. A lot of graft going on with government construction contracts.

  3. Yes, of course it is, but at the same time. It will need to be done becasue of the amount of traffic that passes that bridge... They just need to raise the tolls a buck or two and get funding for a new span near Cambridge to southern Maryland... That will alleviate a ton of traffic on the bridge... and make it take less than 3 to 4 hours to get to Charles County...

  4. Better off spending the money on teaching drivers how to merge at speed and then adding it to the driver's test as a must pass to get a driver's license.

    1. Great idea 9:45, that will keep the traffic moving and reduce backups

  5. I read a report that Maryland in 2017 spent around $1.5 Billion on illegal aliens. If we can spend that kind of money on non citizens we have the money for a new bridge.

  6. Northwest Woodsman: I remember when there was no bridge and you had to take a ferry to reach the western shore. I’m back in that mode for I reside on an island and have to take a 15 minute ferry ride to get to the mainland. The best part is that the ferry tolls keep the undesirables away and if you come out here and commit a crime you’d have to wait in a ferry line to escape and those lines in summer can take a couple of hours.

  7. Yeah, let's ride on unsafe bridges to get a new bridge. Now THAT makes no sense at all. Regardless of a new bridge, or not, the older bridges are not going to be taken out of service. This maintenance is REQUIRED if the bridge is to continue to be used. Sorry, its your political conspiracy theory that stinks.

    1. This maintenance has lasted half my lifetime. We must be nearing the point at which it would have been cheaper to tear it down and build a new bridge. Never problems like this at the tunnel bridge, even now while they just started construction of their own.
      Another thing they need to do is put up a barricade at the rt50/rt70 intersection. Cars fly up the lanes for rt70 exit then cut over at the last second causing accidents and even worse delays. The cops could make a fortune on a Friday summer night standing on the side of the road and handing out tickets to the JERKS who do this.

  8. The solution is simple, bring back the Ferry service. Instead of a bridge, offer Ferry service from Queen Anne's county and alternate ferry service from somewhere in either Talbot or Dorchester County. How about Crisfield into Saint Mary's county or service to Reedville VA with a Ferry service from Crisfield. They already have boat that goes back and forth there.

    It could work, I took a high speed Ferry from Mass to Nova Scotia Canada.
    Definitely cheaper than the cost of building a new bridge for other areas of Maryland.

  9. So all the people born and raised on the shore that travel across the bridge so they don't have to work for peanuts should suffer. The 3rd bridge should have been built 20 years ago, I love to bring my money from the city back to the Eastern Shore.

  10. No 3:31 you can move to the western shore and you won't have to cross the bridge every day

    1. local Eastern Shore familyOctober 21, 2019 at 5:15 PM

      so agree

      move over there Come Here

    2. Sorry but not a come here. Still got the green stains on my hands from picking tomatoes and dirt under my nails from sample sales of Crimsons, but I doubt you know anything about that.

    3. Sorry, I don't cross everyday.

  11. Sounds just like a flatland hillbilly.


  12. I'm perplexed. There are 5 total lanes on two bridges. One gets used on a traffic based schedule to put more traffic in the direction with the higher volume.

    So with the onset of construction it's two lanes each direction, but without the summer onslaught. So why the major back ups?

  13. Basic answer to the headline....of course it's done on purpose! It needs to be done. And it must be done. Who wants to ride over a bridge that needs maintenance to be safe? NOT ME!

  14. So with the onset of construction it's two lanes each direction, but without the summer onslaught. So why the major back ups?

    October 21, 2019 at 11:00 PM

    11 toll lanes funneled down to just two lanes might be a clue. Then add the idiots who jockey for position. Failure to merge properly, inattentive driving, etc.

    And there are some who are terrified of driving across that bridge. I'm sure there are other factors too but you get the point.

  15. Who wants to ride over a bridge that needs maintenance to be safe? NOT ME!

    October 28, 2019 at 9:20 AM

    Every bridge needs maintenance to be safe. I don't get ya


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