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Sunday, October 27, 2019

A Viewer Films.........10-21-19


  1. If you think for a second that Jake Day or the Democrats care about the black folks that live down there, you've been bamboozled.

  2. IF the city and county workers actually did their job, IE clean out ditched and debris that clog pipes and inlets, it wouldn't flood... That was what the problem was over by parkside apartments, the damn inlet was clogged... Soon as a guy unclogged it, minutes and it was drained... See how that works??? NOOOO you have a bunch of stupid, sleeping on the job fools but you all love paying their salaries don't you...

  3. Also a very real problem at Canal Woods...

  4. And don't forget the flooding problem on Rt. 13 by Priscilla St., Grant's, Alexander Ave., Northwood Drive and the surrounding area. I agree with the previous comments.

  5. Seems like this is happening more and more
    in the City and County ! Something has to
    be done for the citizens that live in these
    The itches in the County are one mess!

  6. I have a car that is on its last leg. If I spent a couple thousand dollars painting it, replacing the windshield, and making it real pretty on the outside, you'd tell me I was nuts. I got my priorities messed up. I am no businesswoman but it has always appeared to me that the mayor has ignored the real issues. Besides drains needing to be kept clear and systems being well maintained, pipes need to be replaced. There are residents who have been seriously hurt by the city's negligence and it seems to me that someone needs to be held accountable. The workers, city and county, should be held accountable as well as the mayor who is supposed to be overseeing the workers. As for the upcoming election, I am not voting for Angela Blake (someone may correct me on this) because the coucil is supporting Jake Day.

  7. The city is getting ready to "fix" Fitzwater St as we speak.
    What they're calling a fix isn't really a fix, but more a best attempt.
    The rest of the "marina" area is vital to the "make the Bury great again" theme.
    Next up is gentrification and mixed use - can't wait!

  8. Mr. King needs to make a FOIA requests for how much tax money the city has collected from the owners/developers of the "Arts Community Housing" on Fitzwater.
    Answer is ZERO - another give away.

    1. That was the most blatant misrepresentation/lie I have seen in local politics in my voting lifetime.

  9. i didn't realize Salisbury was so fuzzy.

  10. Joe,
    I'd like to put my 2 cents in with this flooding that keeps occurring along fitzwater. If the city spent less money on unnecessary bike paths, and a little money on back flow devices for storm water out falls into tha river, we would not have much water flooding these streets when the tides get this bad. These devices prevent water from backing up onto fitzwater street. Also if the city employees spent less than 4-5 trips a day to wawa or royal farms and hiding, than working, our city infrastructure would last longer. Keep the storm drains clear, open up the small dams when it rains, control the water before it causes damage

  11. Just needs a round-a-bout - Problem Solved !!! LOl!!!

  12. What kind of kickback is Perdue going to get to move their processing plant from Jake Day's revitalization of the marina and all John Cannon's slum housing? Jake and Randy Day are going to get salisbury to pay for Perdue much needed relocation and upgraded processing plant. Salisbury you better wake up

  13. I ran into this severe flooding on Fitzwater Street on October 10th (no rain). Had my 90-year-old mother in the car, street was not blocked off, no warning signs, water was up to my door with no way to turn around. Scared the hell out of me. Fitzwater Street with all the holes and huge bumps is bad enough, but this flooding is insane. This street should have been the City's #1 priority; instead they inconvenience everyone with a torn-up downtown for YEARS and still ongoing. And anyone who would ride a bicycle down major roads like Route 50 and Route 13 between traffic has got to be crazy and have no value on their life (I've seen noone so far), you get hit you're dead. What is it with Jake Day and bicycles? We have a very immature small man running this City. I "pray" Wayne King wins this upcoming election. "Wake up people".

    1. Why are you driving down Fitzwater St. Lack of common sense?

  14. True it's due to excessive tides you can't fix that.

  15. 5:22 PM
    yes you can dummy

  16. if you do a little digging you might find Perdue dumps massive a mount of water back thru the drains

    1. That’s nothing compared to what they pulled out of the group from the old Tilhman fertilizer company when they expanded the marina... toxic waste that had been leaking into the ground water and the river

  17. Perdue is one of the(if not the main) reasons the wicomico river is so jacked up. There was a pipeline several years ago running down through the Germania circle off Fitzwater right from Perdue. Supposedly at one point they were pumping 40,000 gallons a day back into the river before the so called environmentalists evolved. Truth be told Perdue is the major ready that area floods so bad. There sanitation department is outside hosing down tanks daily the water has to go somewhere and it's not to the wastewater treatment plant

  18. What a couple of stupid snowflakes.... this happens every year in the spring and fall... spring and fall tides are naturally occurring due to the way the Sun Moon and Earth align this was a bit higher due to the tropical storm that was passing by at that time . This couple are trying to make it racial and I can’t help but laugh and feel sorry for their kids

  19. Salisbury is like a third world country.

  20. This is nothing new here . Fitzwater has been flooding since I can remember . I can remember driving my 4wd through 2 foot deep water there in the 70's. The little repair shop there was Maycocks Repair and it flooded many times back then. I believe that's why they pulled the gas pumps that used to be there.

  21. The water comes from the extremely high tides we get in the fall and spring. The water backs up into the drains on that street. It does not come over the banks of the river. It comes up the drains and back onto the street. They have been trying to fix this for decades. They just need to close the drains and install industrial size sump pumps to drain excessive RAIN water into the river when needed.

  22. @October 21, 2019 at 8:26 AM. It does not have a damn thing to do with anyone's color.There many, many whites who use that street also. So, take your racial ignorance and go somewhere else. No one want's to hear that garbage.


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