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Sunday, October 27, 2019

Goodbye Middle Class: 50% Of American Workers Make Less Than $33,000 A Year

The truth is that most American families are deeply struggling, but you hardly ever hear this from the mainstream media.

Yes, about 10 percent of all American workers are making $100,000 or more a year, but most of those high paying jobs are concentrated in the major cities along the east and west coasts. For much of the rest of the country, these are very challenging times as the cost of living soars but their paychecks do not.

According to the Social Security Administration, the median income in the United States last year was just $32,838.05. In other words, 50 percent of American workers made more than $32,838.05 and 50 percent of American workers made less than $32,838.05 in 2018. Let’s be generous and round that number up to $33,000, and when you break it down on a monthly basis it comes to just $2,750 a month. Of course nobody can support a middle class lifestyle for a family of four on $2,750 a month before taxes, and so in most families more than one person is working these days. In fact, in many families today more than one person is working multiple jobs in a desperate attempt to make ends meet, and it still is often not quite enough.

If you want to look at the Social Security wage statistics for yourself, you can find them right here. As you will see, I am not making these numbers up.



  1. One of the things that is drawing this average down is the number of people who are living on welfare or other government-supplied incomes.

    Obama and Co. did their dead-level best to make that as many people as possible, to get them dependent on the government and those who hand out that money. They made a lot of progress on that too, especially among those who got a lawyer and filed for disability after struggling for years to find meaningful work.

    The democrats have done a great deal of damage to this country and its people. Consider that very carefully as you choose your next leaders.

  2. Technically he is correct, but in reality the numbers are skewed. Given a couple of hours, I could explain ALL the reasons.

  3. Now subtract taxes, health insurance (for those who are over the "poverty" line), rent/mortgage, daycare, car insurance, groceries, utilities = $ 0.00 left, or worse $ - ???.00

    middle class = working yourself to death and not getting ahead, and "too rich" for government handouts

  4. NO duh when the middle class is taxed at 33% or higher on their checks. I am sure it is a lot higher, I was paying that when I was a teenager... Then you have the moron tax where people are taxed but are to stupid to understand it is a tax, where they get you on land, water, sewer, and everything else... But why do you people waste your time typing this crap up, telling us the crap we already know, but you people refuse to accept reality??? You all love taxes becasue if you didn't they wouldn't be as high and getting higher...

    1. 2:13 Just where do you place yourself in this situation? You're always saying "you" meaning us, but what about you, not us. Are you special and not included in our issues?

  5. You have a sales tax on purchases, then an income tax, and if you are lucky to get any refund, along comes taxes on your net income, like property taxes and of course your registration on your car or truck may have expired, you have that fee to pay. Then you have fees on hauling trash to dump that is a transfer fee which requires a yearly sticker. Next you have stated mandated insurance bill to pay through out the year on your car, truck or home.

  6. Not a single Dem candidate is promising to LOWER your taxes. They all want to RAISE them so they can give you more free stuff.

  7. What's the gripe? If you're not happy with your wages...DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. When I got out of the Marine Corps, I took a day job and went to school at night. I got my undergrad degree which allowed me to get a better job. Then I went to school at night for my graduate degree which allowed me to move up faster than my peers. No one is going to hand it to you. You have to put in the work. Stop whining and do something about it.

    1. So higher wages equals more taxes being paid. Not much incentive to prosper when the taxes eat up most of it

  8. So how does people on welfare get refunds?Seems people who make under 50,000 shouldnt pay any taxes.

  9. 636
    Happy for you
    Im sure your mother was proud.
    Dad too

    Are you trying to make others feel even worse because they weren't as brilliant as you?
    Do you actually think you are average?
    You don't.
    Because you are bragging about yourself.
    You are proud of what you accomplished.

    But not everyone is capable of that success.
    For them the world is a very challenging place to survive.
    And it isn't comfortable at all.
    It is cold, wet, hungry, scared, and insecure.

    1. 9:16pm you snowflakes always play the victim card when reality gets to be too much for you. No, not everyone is capable of success, but most are capable. They simply lack the fortitude to do so. Like you, they'd rather whine like a 12 year old girl and have the nanny state take care of them. You're pathetic.

  10. Income inequality has taken a drastic turn for the worse under Trump . Along with the deficit, the dept and the wealthy paying a lower effective tax rate then the poor and middle class. Wow, Trumps economy is really working

  11. You can thank the unions. All their leaders are weak college boys who cave EVERYTIME. Sure the membership ALWAYS get more money. But what else did they have to give up?? Paying more for healthcare?? Loosing some vacation?? No overtime?? UNIONS SUCK WHY?? LEADERSHIP!!!!

    1. If not for Unions there wouldn't even be a minimum wage. Fear not the Union, upper management is where the thievery begins.

    2. Unions only protect the screw ups. The one's that won't come to work on time. The one's who can't do the job. The one's who miss time. Yeah unions are wonderful if you're a freaking bum.

    3. One for all / all for one

  12. WELL GOLLY - JAKE said we are all making over 50K here in smallsbury!! Thats the average wage here in smallsbury.

    So we are miles ahead of 50 % of the rest of the country!

    ha ha ha

    And you wonder why rent is so high when you boy mayor goes around telling lies like that.

    1. Wow. If you could gather a coherent thought?? We might understand WTH your point is. The rent is so high because of Salisbury University. They have tripled in size without having accomodations for the students. Yeah, yeah. They built some apartments 9 years ago. Still not enough. So landlords take advantage. So who is telling lies now??


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