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Sunday, October 27, 2019

Vocal #NeverTrumper Mitt Romney Continues Assault on President Trump: May Vote to Remove Him

Mitt Romney really is the absolute worst.

This guy just can’t stop attacking this president.

He sat down with the far left Atlantic to throw a few potshots at President Trump.

To Romney, Trump’s performance as president is inextricably tangled up in his character. “Berating another person, or calling them names, or demeaning a class of people, not telling the truth—those are not private things,” he says, adding: “If during the campaign you pay a porn star $130,000, that now comes into the public domain.”…
…Romney told me that he does not have an abstract definition of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” and that when it comes to identifying impeachable acts, he follows Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart’s famous standard for defining hard-core porn: “I’ll know it when I see it.” Asked if he’s seen it yet, Romney told me that he’ll make up his mind once he hears all the evidence at the trial: “At this stage, I am strenuously avoiding trying to make any judgment.”


  1. Just wondering out loud.
    Is Romney upset because he knows that President Trump is going to our his son for also being on an energy company board in the Ukraine, just like Biden’s son?

  2. Democrats lost 2016

    and they know they will loose 2020

  3. Romney is FINISHED > get LOST !!!! Enough of him !!!

    Join the Clinton Foundation !!!!

  4. What is wrong with these attention whores playing off Trumps success? Oh that's right, they're failures at politics, so they have to use him for a leg up.

  5. He’s a swamp dweller out to protect the swamp.

  6. Another wannabe just like Hillary. Can't stand it cause he couldn't get anywhere close to the White House.

  7. Mitt Romney’s Pierre Delcto moment on Twitter. Pretty bad he has to set up a twitter account with a fake name to blast Trump. He is scared people are going to find out he is involved in this Ukraine mess with the Democrats. That is why he is protecting Joe Biden.


  8. What an enormous disappointment Willard Romney has turned out to be.

    Lost his mojo after a good start in 2012. Now is just noise and disloyalty; IIRC the President endorsed him during his Senate campaign. What a louse.

  9. Ignorant Romney, your lying porn star, stormy Daniels owes Trump $293,000 dollars after their trial. In Vegas, they video just about every move from everybody, everywhere. She was found "fraudulent". Trumps one lawyer of twenty others, Mr. Cohen could not produce evidence of payment of $130,000 at a Congressional hearing nor an incriminating phone recording he claimed to have. Stormy screwed Vegas with their ad of "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas".

  10. Who cares what he thinks or says.
    He is a nobody

  11. Just treat Romney for what he is, a sore loser. No matter what the subject he cannot be trusted to be a true Republican. Newt calls him an old line republican, obviously for a sense of political politeness. However he continues to be unreliable in voting. He's just, well, unreliable and as a result untrustworthy.

  12. Romney is not wrong in his criticisms of Trump. Did Romney misrepresent anything? I think not.

    This fervent opinion that the dear leader Trump can do no wrong is only rivaled by the leader worship in North Korea.

    Look, I'm a conservative who voted for Trump, but I don't like Trump and everything Romney says is on point.

    When did we all become so partisan that we ignore the truth? The GOP was going to make Romney president, and now "he's the worst".

    What has happened to us?

    1. 10:44 I doubt you ate a conservative. And you probably only voted for Trump because you couldn’t bring yourself to vote for Hillary. Your outrage is fake.

  13. You can call Romney a swamp dweller but he is not in the cesspool

  14. @ October 22, 2019 at 2:06 PM

    You spout ad hominems and don't address the point. May want to try again. I am open to changing my mind, but to do so you need to bring substance.

    The GOP almost made Romney the president... and now we should hate him because he points out the true and the obvious?

    This blind faith partisanship has got to end! This is the problem!

  15. No hope for trolls at 10:44 & 7:49. No PROOF!!! to any claims from you commies..no way you voted for Trump..your just another typical democrat all lies and deception.


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