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Sunday, October 20, 2019

Another Fight At Wicomico Middle? 10-14-19

We have received reports that there was another fight today in the cafeteria at Wicomico Middle School.


  1. Time to bring back CANNING.

    1. And jarring, pickeling, etc...?

    2. I'm doing pickles and beets today btw.

    3. Yeah, that's the ticket. Beat the crap out of them for beating the crap out of each other. That'll teach them.

  2. Wicomico Middle or Salisbury Middle?

  3. I want to share on facebook, but need confirmation. thanks

  4. How about this: have these kids put on head gear, oversized boxing gloves, let them step into a ring and have a good old smack down.

  5. It will be news when there aren't any fights there

  6. 3:27
    Wicomico Middle. I used the wrong picture. It has been corrected

  7. These are staged fights. These kids are punking everyone. It goes to social media they all have a laugh and get some cred and deal with detention or a short suspension expulsion seldom occurs and the schools and their parents look like the idiots they are. They need to bring back Special Ed classrooms tucked away in a corner of the basement for these anti social and disruptive mentally deficient kids like we use to have. I'd say retards but that's not politically correct. So notice I didn't.

    1. The majority of the kids doing it are not special ed. You are stupid.

  8. It is sad but, discipline is so bad in Wicomico County Schools they cancelled "American Education Week"!

    1. Not true. Parents are welcome to visit at any time they wish. Just not making schools open to everyone. Glad they are doing it.

  9. It is Sby what does anyone expect? This is the norm at any school in a democrat stronghold. It's because there isn't a democrat alive who is a good decent person much less a good parent. They are all horrid dishonest immoral trash.

  10. Is Donna Hanlin ever going to address our community and tell us parents what the WCBOE is going to do to get rid of these bad kids?? Where are you Hanlin

  11. Juvenile detention sounds good. A taste of incarceration will let them know what their life as an adult is going to be like (if they don't straighten out).

  12. Take Archie Bunker's approach..... "Arm all the students and faculty".
    The Public Education system in this country, is a joke and total waste of tax payer money.

  13. The county isn't going to get rid of these kids. Those that think they are should realize that you're mistaken. All of this is driven by DOJ. Administration can only suspend for 5 days or more if they have broken bones, excessive blood, etc. Those days of suspending students, moving those that didn't want to be in school to night school, or sending your hard core threats to alternative school are over. Additionally, administration has been told to examine how they discipline minorities and SPED. A white student can be suspended all day, but any other group, well watch out.

    1. I agreed with u until that last sentence which is a blatant bald faced lie. It's the other way around and stats will prove that. Trust white kids are causing their fair share of problems. Kids with ieps and 504s and white kids get more slide bys.

    2. 6:49 You are mistaken.

    3. 9:07 you are in denial and/or clueless. I work with kids every day and see it first hand. No reason or need to make it up.

    4. Matter of fact my Caucasian parents complain that when their kids do something wrong they are not being punished or given consequences which in turn is increasing their behaviors.

  14. Donna Hanlin must go. That is the place to start.

    1. SMS is the least of her worries right now.

  15. Maybe it is staged. Then teachers sit back and watch the show. Don't get involved

  16. 6:42 PM just exactly where is the juvenile detention center in Wicomico County that we can put these kids>

    1. What’s happened at the former Wicomico Youth Drill Academy near the airport? All the building have been removed. This would have been the perfect location for a juvenile detention center.

  17. What does Donna Hanlin have to do with these fights? She is just the messenger from the state and fed. If she went away, you would just get another messenger. Nothing will change.

  18. Why on earth do parents continue to put up with this? NO education, only indoctrination and violence in the schools to include, guns, knives, assaults, rapes and so much more. I believe parents today are Mindless, Clueless, Stupid and total Idiots.

  19. Start holding parents accountable for their kids’ misbehavior and you’ll see this dwindle to nonexistent. If parents faced criminal and civil remedies, they would think twice about how they’re rearing their kids. Kids are not born possessing hatred and bullying tendencies. Those are learned behaviors. They learn most from their parents, so punish the teacher along with the student.

    1. The "Parents" are just as bad.


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