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Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Viewer Writes......American Education Week Cancelled

Did you know that Wicomico County has cancelled “American Education Week” because of security concerns. I watched some of the replay from last week’s BOE meeting and those were Fitzgerald’s words. Go figure… you can’t make this stuff up. You have to wonder when the Maryland State Department of Education is going to step in.


  1. American education “week” was cancelled but parents have always and still are able to visit their child any day they want. Put your pitchforks down.

    1. It was canceled to prevent parents from seeing what really goes on in the classrooms

    2. Ok, 1:54, you appear to be a know-it-all... so go to your child’s school every day, sit in the classroom watch them and then report back your findings. I’d be glad to see your “unbiased” results.

      Sad reality is you won’t and instead you’ll keep sitting on your couch making baseless accusations so you can “contribute.” If you aren’t going to offer a solution to the problem or have any constructive argument that isn’t without proof, then please do us all a favor and not even comment.

  2. Would can see your kids in there class whenever you want. Just call and set up an appointment.

  3. More government that sounds helpful.

  4. Their Skeered of you parents taking an interest in the children ...

    The Edumication system has been indoctrinating kids since the 60s .

    We have a chance now in our history to change the old commie philosophy the kids been subjected to...

  5. When is Donna gonna step down???

  6. I bet if it were gay pride, transgender or thug week. It would go off without a hitch.

    1. Lmao! We absolutely should have a thug week. Hug a thug week. We could hang a flag or paint a sidewalk. Tug a thug. Thug mugs at Rise Up coffee.

  7. State step in and do what? Half the crap going on now is because of State mandates. Wicomico had to align their code of conduct with the recommendations from the State which is why admins hands are tied to how they are dealing.with the behavior issues.

  8. Who care about American Education week anyway?? As parents you can go see your child anytime. Why go just for show during American Education week and disrupt an already disruptive environment? It’s the dumbest thing ever!!

  9. It isn't canceled. Wicomico has an open door policy- parents and guardians can come visit the classrooms anytime they choose. It is super distracting to students to set aside a week for every student's extended families to come in and out all day, talking and texting and bringing younger children. Not to mention it is unsafe. Just because something was always done doesn't mean it is still smart!

  10. You all complaining about this are ridiculous. As parents, you have the right to go visit your child ANY TIME. Period. American Education Week is a constant disruption. Go to a number of the buildings where the parents come in droves and they line the back of the classrooms and in some cases distract your child from focusing on the education that you criticize so often. Add in the fact that in some cases the number of parents coming in certain buildings is pretty large and the school has to make sure people are accounted for, sign them in properly and ensure that anyone who shouldn’t be entering a school building (sex offenders or visitors with no legal right to see a child) is shown the door. Simply put, you want to see your child? Go anytime! You don’t need one dedicated week for a to see your child. The BOE simply wants to control the greater numbers that can cause a lot of issues within the buildings. They aren’t preventing you from coming to see your kids.

    Good lord, if something had actually happened and a shady person got in the building and wreaked havoc, you all would be losing your minds. Make up your minds.

  11. Parents, Wake Up and be Responsible...Your Children Deserve a Top Notch Education; so get them out of this Failing System Now.

  12. Finally. Thank you. I have always been scared that some idiot would come to my kids classroom that didn’t belong.

  13. 9:03 you haven't had kids in the school system in 20 years. You don't even know the names of the schools anymore!

  14. Yes any parent at any time can go see their child and sit in the issue I see here is that employers who knew when the week was happening and wouold give employees , some paid some not, leave off to go will know have an easier time saying no. They should keep it.

  15. Some schools make it difficult to see kids and or support them. Some schools are very welcoming. See it first hand daily

  16. Probably a good idea!! Salisbury MD is considered to be the 4th most violent city(25,000 or more residents) in the entire country!! The kids that are causing all the problems are just an youngi version of the parents. Their learning it somewhere. And before you idiots chime in salisbury is in wicomico county morons. Jake Day sure did run to Facebook pretty quickly when Bennett won a baseball state championship last year

  17. Not a security issue, but a transparency issue. Go to any county school in Salisbury and see the mayhem. Schools are a joke. Kids roaming the halls. Kids cursing out teachers, administrators and even the deputies. The kids dare them to do anything. Time for Don to go away. He is ineffectual and a pussy. Stand up to the state board of education and the justice department. Three strikes and your out...three behavior issues and your child is expelled, not suspended, expelled. Let the parents deal with their own progeny.

  18. There are 2 reasons are schools are failing One is because of society. Its not a black or white race issue. Society failing. We have lost the focus of values. Kids are not being taught to be respectful they are being taught to challenge adults. Its all about them. They feel entitled to do what they want and when they want. No regard for rules. This is what is causing the issues in schools. Yes part of the problem is that the code of conduct is week because of the state. Second is we also are finding that the millennial administrators are not old school in nature and know what it was like to be hard on children. They are young and do not want to challenge the system they work for. They want to rise up through promotions or be liked by their subordinates. They don't want to disappoint or do things that may shed bad light on them. Admin does not want to fight for the right of the children that want to learn. Because to do that you have to go against Policy from time to time. The change starts at home as well as in the schools. Its time everyone raises the children not just the school.
    We have many amazing teachers in this system that want to teach. We have to allow this to occur.

    1. And we have a lot of amazing administrators too. I work in a school that has a principal that will fight for us teachers. Don’t lump everyone in the same category.

  19. Yet I just caught a segment on pac14 wicomico county council meeting with Jake day and John Cannon praising wicomico county schools and how many great activities salisbury has to offer

  20. Yet I just caught a segment on pac14 wicomico county council meeting with Jake day and John Cannon praising wicomico county schools and how many great activities salisbury has to offer. Salisbury you need to rid yourself of all the Jake Day, John Cannon, Muir Boda, bill McCain and now this idiot McIver!! You have NO legitimate Republican representation

  21. American Education week just gave them time to clean up their act for a week and to get ready to put on a show for you. After the week was up, back to business.

  22. Good, let's cancel PTAs too!

  23. They canceled education week because they are afraid someone might actually learn something.


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