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Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Viewer Writes: Pittsville Town Council Candidate Challenged With "Theft By Deception"

During the water plant issues last summer, the Town of Pittsville purchased cases of bottled water for affected residents. Some of the citizens, including Sean McHugh and Dawn Mace personally delivered these cases of water door to door upon request. We met them when we were moving in and didn’t know yet about the water issues. 

Shortly after, Ivory Smith and Jared Schablein approached Pittsville Ford and asked for a donation of bottled water on behalf of town residents. 

Pittsville Ford generously donated 50 cases of bottle water. 

Jared and Ivory set up a table on Old Ocean City Rd. giving out the donated water to anyone who stopped, no matter if they lived in Pittsville town limits or not. 

After it was over, Ivory took it all home with him and that’s where it stayed. He has been asked numerous times to turn over the bottle water to the Town so it can be passed out to residents if needed. He has refused and to this day is keeping it all. He claims he will give it out if anyone asks, but he has not. And it isn’t “his” water to give away, it belongs to the residents. 

I personally reached out to him and offered to load it in my van and take it to the town to store it so it is available to the residents if needed. He never answered back. He doesn’t answer anyone who asks him questions on line. 

At one time the Town didn’t have room to store it but they do now. If Ivory and Jared asked for the water on behalf of the town, then they were representing themselves as “the Town”. In which case, Ivory should not be holding OUR emergency water supply hostage. If they represented themselves to Pittsville Ford asking for donations of water for the town then KEPT the rest for them, that is THEFT BY DECEPTION. 

Ivory Smith what else are you going to hold hostage for your own agenda if you got elected to town council? SMH


  1. Two socialist left wingers the residents of Pittsvillle do not need on the town council.

  2. Ivory and Jarod are horrible candidates to run anything it's like a vote for Barney Sanders.

  3. I guess they did not teach the integrity class at Boy Scout camp. Jared is a bleeding heart liberal. Ivory is screwed l guess he was real thirsty. Lol

  4. What an idiot Ivory is OMG!

  5. I guess they did not teach the integrity class at Boy Scout camp. Jared is a bleeding heart liberal. Ivory is screwed l guess he was real thirsty. Lol

  6. Really Ivory Smith for council LOL that's a good one.

  7. how can he be the head of worcester co.naacp when he lives in pittsville? he must need the water to give to one of his ten kids!

  8. Sorry Joe I cant do much with either of them. You know the old saying birds of a feather flock together. Jared is more worried about Salisbury holding Jake Days jock strap than Pittsvillle.

  9. Joe, I personally ask Ivory about the water plus offered to take to the town and he said flat out no.

  10. This guy "Ivory Smith sounds like a real minority winner , ain't it great , another obama follower.

  11. People this pair is not who you want on your town council. Both are a bunch of Democrats who want to totally change Pittsvillle for ever. I'm rather familiar with both of these Yahoo's.

  12. Bethany Miller & Sean McHugh are the only ones to put on Pittsvillle town council any other will be trouble.

  13. Some cases of water from Town hall were taken from there and given to their “water give away” that was already bought & paid for by the Town! By the taxpayers! But there they are giving it out to people who drive by as if they were the ones who provided it

  14. WTF kind of name is Ivory for a man? Pittsville version of April Jackson. This "slob-knob-lin" is a Jake day groupie isn't he? This whole area is infested with these children trying to play politicians

  15. Jared has stated on Facebook that he will not turn over the water unless the Town provides a written guarantee that they will hold it for emergency purposes. That’s all well and fine to have an emergency supply but you still have to rotate it out. So they are basically holding it hostage unless they get it in writing. Just one more example of why these 2 are not right for Town of Pittsville leadership

  16. Looks like he is a deadbeat dad too on casesearch

  17. Jarred Schablein’s platform for election is built on things he never did. Other people did the things he’s saying HE did. He’s a liar who is more concerned about what he can do for Salisbury than what he can do for pittsville. The only people who support him do so by attacking other people on Facebook using profanity and talking trashy like Heather Marie. Trashy trash trash.

    1. Skanky skank skank....... she supports Jared because Jared is a socialist that wants socialist programs that give money to ppl who don’t want to work.

    2. so thats what happened to the Cash Me Outside How Bow Dah girl. Living in Pittsville . she shd go back to Baltimore where she belongs

  18. Jarred Schablein’s platform for election is built on things he never did. Other people did the things he’s saying HE did. He’s a liar who is more concerned about what he can do for Salisbury than what he can do for pittsville. The only people who support him do so by attacking other people on Facebook using profanity and talking trashy like Heather Marie. Trashy trash trash.

    1. Jared still lives with his mother. He's running in this election because his mother told him to get a job or hit the road,Jack. 😂

    2. 5:21 I doubt that. Momma is also a bleeding heart liberal. She wants Shabby to live home forever. I heard he was moving in with his idol Coach Mitchell but I see that didn’t work out 😂

  19. Damn, you hit the nail on the head with that one! Nothing screams support like the screenshot-queen dropping f-bombs left and right, name calling, and throwing unsubstantiated accusations every chance she gets. That's someone I'd want advocating for me....NOT! Their supporters will cost them in the long run.

  20. It's straight out stealing. This is why these people can not be elected to office. They are inherently dishonest among other things. None alive have had a positive influence ever. Just look at the mayors of Baltimore for proof.

  21. naacp? Really? That explains it all No one of any good character and with moral would ever associate with that horrid lying group. That is the one that lying putrid ashanti belongs to She is a liar who lied and said American prisons were like concentration camps. The skank is a liar and an ignoramus who is she weren't herself raised by horrid people would be ashamed of herself for lying.

  22. 5:21
    I guess Jake Day felt sorry for him and gave him a job. Oh excuse me. Created a job for him. Thanks Salisbury tax payers for paying for another job "created" by Jake Day. How many more friends can he hire with your money for no reason.

  23. Biggest hate group of them all

  24. Case of water is less than $5. Dudes holding onto like $100 worth of leftover bottled water and you're crying over it? I get the principle of its not his, but come on.


  26. First is starts off as lying and stealing a case of water then what ??
    If he will lie about that what else is he lying about ..
    And then of course you have little grease ball re re over here acting like he’s full of knowledge and he’s not he’s spent the last 2 years of his life chasing hamsters 🐹 he still can’t even wipe his butt after taking a dump his mommy still has to wipe his butt . No thanks bro get potty trained first and get some real world life experience and come back in 10 years and we will talk !

  27. First it starts off with lying and stealing
    You can’t even be honest with water .. what’s next. You can’t be trusted .
    Then there is your little grease ball re re side kick he acts like he has so much knowledge but he doesn’t he’s spent the last 2 years chasing hamsters.. he can’t even wipe his own butt after taking a dump his mommy has to do it..
    no thanks get potty trained and some real world experience and come back in 10 years and we’ll talk

  28. Some of the comments here are definitely uncalled for. Please, people should not be judged for the color of their skin. Let’s stick with the content of their character.
    That being said, could someone please tell me what the NAACP has to do with Pittsville’s water treatment facility?
    Are they going to donate to the town so it can be upgraded?

  29. Good point unknown

  30. 9:38 Where was skin color mentioned?

  31. October 16, 2019 at 8:25 PM
    you are too stupid to vote. please stay home.

  32. Send Chief Bob over there to arrest him. Call it a day.

  33. Ivory won’t answer for himself.

  34. Linda said...
    so thats what happened to the Cash Me Outside How Bow Dah girl. Living in Pittsville . she shd go back to Baltimore where she belongs

    October 21, 2019 at 2:17 AM

    Is this common core English?

    1. I think this is a reference to this nasty piece of work:


      The photo at the bottom says it all.

    2. Because that crazy chick Heather Marie threatened someone on social media and then showed up at the persons house to get in a fight. That’s reason for the comment.

  35. It’s a shame the hatred expressed in this blog! What did any of you do to help the town through this crisis started by the town council! We recently learned the the town’s water supply is contaminated with lead. Now there is the trash issue. Because the town gave out wrong information there was trash all of the town for a week! It is time for the town council to come clean about what is going on. Start sharing town council meetings over the internet so those unable to attend can see what is going on.


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