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Monday, October 28, 2019

13-Year-Old Girl Charged After Falsely Accusing Teacher Of Sexual Assault

In late September, a 13-year-old student at Anderson High School in Ohio claimed a teacher at the school grabbed her right arm, unzipped her hoodie, and touched her breasts in a classroom.

The teenager also claimed that when the teacher let her go, he said, “if you tell anyone about this, I’ll kill you.”

Neither the teacher nor the student have been named in news reports about the incident. At least one media outlet, Fox 19, is still referring to the girl as a “victim” even though she has now been charged with “first degree making false alarms,” a misdemeanor.



  1. Give her the prison sentence the teacher would have gotten if her story was true.

  2. 1:38 - totally agree with you!

  3. This happens way to often and IF the Accused can't
    prove they didn't--- then they are in trouble.
    Laws should be changed about this mess, yet strict
    enough that IF a person did assult ===they pay the price!

  4. Happens to young males also. There has been males who have been charged, and humiliated in the media. I remember being at a djs hearing where a girl accused a peer she had consensual sex w/. After a thorough investigation she was found to have lied. No consequences for her behavior. No public apolog to the male. It s a travest and stain on real victims and their real experience.

  5. That girls baby daddy in jail, thought he put her up to this....

    so they could sue...in order for her baby daddy inmate to get commissary money


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