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Monday, October 28, 2019

ME ME ME: Obama Uses Elijah Cummings Funeral To Talk About Himself — Again

One thing Barack Obama loves — really loves — is… himself.

Over the years, the former president has used all kinds of events to talk about himself. Often, they’re the most inappropriate venues at which to deliver an egocentric speech.

Like Elijah Cummings’ funeral.

Cummings was a civil rights icon. Born in 1951 to sharecropper parents, he was destined for big things. When he was just 11, he led a group of boys to a whites-only pool in Baltimore and jumped in. Whites protested, holding up signs that said, “Keep Our Pool Germ Free” and “White People Have Rights Too,” the Washington Post reported.



  1. When is the civil war starting ?

    1. 2020 when trump opens a .ca n of whoop a$$ on them

  2. He has a major "I" problem. So does Moooochie.

  3. That's what the African American community does. The most selfish, self deserving, and self centered race on the planet. Another millionaire black who thinks HE DID IT ALL BY HIMSELF. NOTHING to do with his race. NOTHING to do that his WHITE grandparents actually raised him because his mother was a FRUITLOOP. Then when the RACE BAITERS hooked up with him he began to say "I".

  4. Can you think of one white person that ever served office that Obama has believed in but every thug committing crimes is misunderstood, or suffered a bad childhood. Obama the worst president ever and Nixon was far better, we believe that Clinton who raped a 19 year old in the white house, and had numerous affairs while Governor of Arkansas and President he has gotten a ride to respect and a wife who killed 4 Americans in Bengazi is Presidential material and will never give up till her dying day that she should have been president and yet the Dems out there are still drinking the Kool-Aid.


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