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Monday, October 28, 2019

WILLIAMS: U.S. In Moral Decline

Last week, U.S. Attorney General William Barr told a University of Notre Dame Law School audience that attacks on religious liberty have contributed to a moral decline that’s in part manifested by increases in suicides, mental illness and drug addiction. Barr said that our moral decline is not random but “organized destruction.” Namely that “Secularists and their allies have marshaled all the forces of mass communication, popular culture, the entertainment industry, and academia in an unremitting assault on religion and traditional values.”

The attorney general is absolutely correct. Whether we have the stomach to own up to it or not, we have become an immoral people, left with little more than the pretense of morality. The left’s attack on religion is just the tiny tip of the iceberg in our nation’s moral decline.

You say: “That’s a pretty heavy charge, Williams. You’d better be prepared to back it up with evidence!” I’ll try with a few questions for you to answer.

Do you believe that it is moral and just for one person to be forcibly used to serve the purposes of another? And, if that person does not peaceably submit to such use, do you believe that there should be the initiation of force against him? Neither question is complex and can be answered by either a yes or no.

More here


  1. Here we go again with this tired, old, and false meme. Folks, you really need to stop perpetuating it.

    Every generation has complained about the moral decline. Simply look at newspapers and publications. This is not new, and it's just not true. It's the human condition that there are some bad apples in the bunch.

    The only form a government that can protect religious liberty is a secular one, just like our secular republic. This campaign to make secular a bad word is fallacious. Secular does not mean "anti" religion. It just means "without", it doesn't pick favorites.

    Almost every elected official, judge, and President throughout the history of this country has been Christian. You mean to argue how bad things are when ya'll have been pretty much in control this whole time? Even today, over 70% of this nation self identifies as Christian. How is there some sort of moral decline with these facts?

    We live, in the greatest time to be alive as a human EVER. To try and dispute it is laughable.

    1. Greatest time to be alive?? Really?? Thanks to President Trump it's becoming that way. After 8 years of your Muslim King we were in a steep rollercoaster of decline.

      What do you call trying to overthrow a sitting President with made up information?? What do you call the departing President approval of said false information?? Or the departing President giving the 3 most corrupt government entities the power to break our laws and Constitution??

      You are obviously another Salisbury State University libutard. Libutards are the only ones that can't see FACTS when there right in front of their face.

      Oh by the way. When you go to Target?? Which bathroom do you use??

  2. But we can maintain our own personal integrity regardless.A person can conduct his or her own business without missing a beat.

  3. And its been that way since the garden of eden, but allowing luciferians to dominate will not fare well for us.

  4. Almost every elected official, judge, and President throughout the history of this country has been Christian.

    I disagree with that and the whole theme of your comment. But that's ok. We can do that here.

  5. 11:16...laughable? Only your delusions of grandeur! 70% identify as Christian and the small 1/2% of the other get to dictate policy for the rest of the country. As our country was founded on the 70% values(fact) I and many people just can't understand why a small percent of people get to decide policy...smh. We do not live in good times. If you can't understand that you really need to get out more often and look around. You are part of the problem. Pathetic...

  6. Agreed. And leadership starts at the top

  7. We need to be adaptable.

  8. @ October 28, 2019 at 1:22 PM
    @ October 28, 2019 at 1:26 PM

    In fact, almost all elected officials on the local, state, and federal levels, the Judges, and the Presidents HAVE been Christians.

    The made the laws, they enforced the laws, they adjudicated the laws. They decide policy. With 70% of the voting base (that's now, in the past much higher) Christians vote in these people.

    Being willfully blind to the facts and believing stories that have no substantiation IS the problem. 1/2% (where did you even get that number?) actually DON'T dictate to the rest of the country? How can that even be? Seriously... please tell me.... how? Who sets public policy? The Laws?

    We live in the GREATEST time ever to be alive as a human. Unprecedented levels of wealth and health... indoor plumbing, air conditioning, clean water. Our poorest have refrigerators and are well fed! We can travel quickly, safely, and a great distances on a whim.... in our pockets we carry phones that literally link all of us together and give us unfettered access to almost all of human knowledge in an instance. Mortality rates are incredible, we live longer than ever in the history of mankind. We live in the greatest time to be alive as humans and as Americans and I defy anyone to claim otherwise.

  9. October 28, 2019 at 2:47 PM

    Pick one. I still disagree with you but that doesn't mean I agree with the other commentor you quote.

    Besides that, you have now lost me.

  10. @ October 28, 2019 at 7:56 PM

    You really need to turn off the news entertainment media, it is poisoning you.

    You know nothing about me... and immediately went right into parroting the talking points and smears that media pumps into you. On top of that you argue with ad hominem attacks, which is pretty much admitting defeat.

    In your mind, you are arguing with a fictional caricature of someone who doesn't exist. You distract and obfuscate as not to actually address or refute the points being made.

    I'm conservative and voted for Trump, but facts and truth matter. I choose to evaluate the information and decide for myself.

    This is the greatest time to be alive as a human ever, for the obvious reasons I stated before. If you care to address those points, I'm happy to hear, and happy to change my mind presented with good arguments.

    However, your displeasure with the current state of politics does not refute that fact. Politics have, and will always be tumultuous. This is true in all times and all nations. Someone will always be upset about the current state of political affairs as are you, as seen at the lashing out at the former administration with false labels and vitriol. As seen with the implied insult of which bathroom I use.

    This doesn't change the fact that getting a small cut with an infection two hundred years ago or longer would probably kill you.

    Now we put ointment on it and a band aid... worse case you go to the local doctors office that has clean water, is disinfected because we understand how germs work, that has electrical light and indoor plumbing ,and get some antibiotics. You probably get there in a climate controlled motor vehicle rather quickly... opposed to via foot or horse. You use the GPS in the phone to get there... after you use it to find their hours of operation and may be call ahead.

    Now... you wanna live two hundred years ago or longer.... or do you wanna live now... in arguably the greatest time to be alive as a human being ever? To argue the contrary is LAUGHABLE.


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