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Sunday, September 15, 2019

Teachers Reveal How Much They're Spending In Classrooms

Due to a lack of resources, teachers across America say they are dipping into their personal funds in order to supply their own classroom needs.

While some are reaching straight into their pockets, others crowdfund in hopes to fulfill these back-to-school necessities.

Courtney Jones, a Texas-based elementary educator, launched a successful hashtag: #clearthelist -- a pay it forward initiative which asks the public via social media to help meets simple demands of teachers across the nation.

The movement raised over $85,000 for teachers in need of supplies. It came in the midst of the #RedforEd movement's launch -- where thousands of educators marched at state capitols to demand pay increases and better education funding since 2018.



  1. I wouldn't spend a nickel on the illegal anchor babies. And they are crazy if they do...

  2. Lots of them teaching anti-American rhetoric, they wouldn't even be getting my tax money if I could stop it

  3. So how does the lottery fund education again?

  4. I know in poorer communities teachers do spend money in their classrooms and they are the teachers who take on a
    job in the summer to make ends meet for their own family.
    However in the community where the teachers have to pull money out of their own pockets because the school administration is over run with too many chiefs it is time for a change. Large amount of salaries are being paid to administrators who are not teaching and are too busy trying to look busy to justify their salaries which are twice what
    the teachers are being paid. Time to trim the fat and the teachers would have plenty of money for supplies.
    This is not just local but in many communities in the United States today.

  5. Teachers knew the salary and working conditions before they signed the contract. Nobody forced them to become teachers or to accept the pay scale.

  6. If ANY teacher us spending their own money. It's the teachers union fault. This teacher's get paid a lot of money. Yet their crying AGAIN for more. Then the minority will say otherwise. But you can't hide what they make in 9 month's. ESPECIALLY what they get paid for dismal results!!

    1. Oh boy, the anti-union reader has been woken up again

    2. That all you have?? Actually I've been in Union's. THEY SUCK. GOVERNMENT UNION'S ARE USELESS. I guess you are a UNION something. Making 25 dollars an hour. Haven't worked in 5 years. Still collecting on borrowed unemployment that's ready to run out. Or you got another job. UNION'S ARE WONDERFUL. LMAO.

  7. 10:26 The article isn't about teacher's pay, it's about classroom resources and teaching equipment

  8. Some one needs to request an internal audit of the Wicomico County School Board and see where they are spending all they money.

  9. 100k a year, full pension for life, 401k, 457, medical, dental, vision, sick time, vacation holidays and personal leave. Did I mention SUMMERS OFF FULL PAY.

  10. so why not run an article on how much the average tax paying joe is being robbed of to take care of the worthless adults progeny?

  11. I don't believe a word of the article.

  12. Exactly 3;01 lottery and taxes is not enough!!!..sounds like a big wasteful BOE...school vouchers and elected schoolboard be a good start..

  13. I was recently in Halo and their was a teacher buying things out of her own pocket to give away in her class as prizes. I saw toothbrushes, toothpaste and other necessities. Really sad. In loco parentis seems to be a 24 hour responsibility. God bless her though.

  14. 100k a year and paid summers off? Not any school districts around here!!!


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