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Sunday, September 15, 2019

Horrific! 61-Year-Old Homeowner Kills 2 of 4 Armed Home Intruders with AR-15, One Was Wearing ‘Jason’ Mask

This is just an absolutely horrific story.

A 61-year-old Florida man shot and killed two of four intruders during a home invasion robbery in Summerfield in July.

The armed intruders broke into his home late at night in July.

The homeowner was using an AR15 during the incident.
One of the intruders was wearing a “Jason” mask over his head.

The video is absolutely frightening!



  1. Too bad he didn't get all four of them.

  2. I just see the reason to use a gun. Pepper spray or stun gun works.

    1. 5:46 I'm sure you have locks on your doors, and apparently you don't know why

  3. Good for him! I hope he makes a full recovery.

  4. Yeah, pepper spray will guarantee your survival against a shotgun toting assailant, backed up by a threat of another with a pistol. Good luck with your spray burrito flavoring.
    For that matter, good luck against two with knives or machetes.

  5. 5:46
    Tell me what the recidivism rate is for dead burglars.

  6. Two less THUGS that will prey on others.

  7. Unload The Full Magazine On Them All !

  8. Go out your back door. Call 911. Everyone lives no gun necessary.

  9. Northwest Woodsman: Seems like I have a few of you that post on this blog that enjoy a story with a happy ending too.

  10. 5:46 - Oh, OK!! You use your pepper spray - Ill use my guns. That is what America is all about. Freedom to make your own decisions.

  11. 8:08 what world do you live in?
    Because 4 crazy thieves with guns would never just shoot you for no reason, right?
    Read the article again and watch the video then tell me how that would have worked????

  12. 8:08.
    You are dumber than a rock.

    A friend had his door kicked in and as he tried running out the front door, they shot at his head and missed him by about 4 inches.
    In Salisbury.
    A person should NEVER have to run from his own house just so a would-be killer gets to live. Another girlie, sissy, liberal take on crime.
    You really need to STFU.
    Stop trying to kill aliens on a video game and dressing up as a Wookie at Comic-Con.
    Totally stupid you are....

  13. September 10, 2019 at 12:16 AM:

    I see you are just as ignorant now, as you were last week on a similar subject. What's the matter? Don't you have anything in your neck of the "woods," or a blog out there to comment on?


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