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Sunday, September 15, 2019

'Impossible to live together': Todd Palin files for divorce from Sarah

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's husband Todd Palin has filed for divorce in Anchorage Superior Court.

Citing "incompatibility of temperament between the parties such that they find it impossible to live together as husband and wife," the court document, filed on Friday, uses initials instead of full names, but lists the date of the Palin marriage and the birth date of their child, Trig, 11, who had Down Syndrome, for whom they filed joint custody.

Anchorage attorney Kimberloo Colbo is representing Todd, 55, and has asked the court to keep the case confidential. As well as Trig, the couple has four adult children, Track, 30, Bristol, 28, Willow, 25, and Piper, 18.

Sarah Palin, also 55, rose to prominence during the 2008 presidential election, when the former mayor of Wasilla was chosen by John McCain as his vice presidential candidate, a decision for which the Arizona senator expressed regret last year. The photogenic couple - he was known in Alaska as the "First Dude" and was a champion snowmobile racer - were an immediate media sensation.



  1. Sorry to see this. Firmly believe the couple was thrust into the national spotlight and their privacy infringed on. Bristol did not help matters with her wild lifestyle and tumultuous relationships. I am sad for the family and will sincerely hope they can find a way to reconcile.

  2. @ September 10, 2019 at 7:26 AM

    They made their own reality TV show, what are you talking about "thrust into the spotlight and their privacy infringed on"... they ran with that ball and profited from it as much as they possibly could. They are hardly victims of any kind.

    It is sad to see ANY couple go through this, but the irony of it is not lost on me.

  3. She's having an affair with her ex-son in-law. That is some low rent stuff.

  4. Will she be taking resumes?

  5. I believe Sarah wants to wear the pants and be boss, but they most definitely belong on good looking Todd.

  6. Sorry to see this happen regardless.

  7. The guy's nut's. She's FREAKING HOTTT!!!

  8. McCain started all of this with his talent of poor decision making.It's bad when even though the general public knew he had chosen poorly McCain thought he had struck gold.Sarah had the perfect life before it was disrupted.

  9. If it weren't for Sarah McCain would have lost by much more.
    He was a terrible candidate as well as a terrible Senator.

  10. Her inflated head began to block his view of Russia.

  11. Sarah Palin added steam to a dismal MCCAIN campaign. She had more energy and following. MCCAIN was what we thought he was a rich boy hotdog. That should have rotted in Leavenworth if not for his father and grandfather. Both admiral's.

  12. McCAIN and ROMNEY both ran very lame campaigns against the POS OBAMA. SARA PALIN was the only excitement in that campaign.WHAT A FOX!!!!!

  13. Yawn...who cares about yesterday's trash. Ever forward!

    KEEP AMERICA GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. You mean she was a real person ? I thought she was a Tina Fey character .

  15. Sarah Palin was a ditz she couldn't even answer questions about her own state Alaska, she couldn't talk intelligently on any questions asked--definitely out to lunch with Captain Crunch--God bless the husband and family.


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