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Monday, September 30, 2019

Maryland groups condemn federal refugee admissions reduction

BALTIMORE—Maryland organizations criticized as “cynical” and “astounding” the Thursday decision by the Trump Administration to decrease the national refugee admissions ceiling to its lowest level ever.

The cap for fiscal 2020 will be 18,000 refugees, down from the ceiling of 110,000 set by President Obama in 2017, according to a news release from the State Department. The decision also allows cities and states to opt out of accepting refugees.

“It’s a cynical renunciation of U.S. humanitarian commitment,” Betty Symington, the executive director of the Episcopal Refugee and Immigrant Center Alliance, told Capital News Service. Symington described the decision as “part and parcel of a multifaceted attack on immigrants in general.”

Symington, whose organization supports refugees and other immigrants with housing, emergency assistance, education and other services, said, “It’s a very complicated situation but also a very simple one. Unfortunately, we’re not surprised.”



  1. It's complicated and simple. Right.

  2. Have you ever seen a homeless illegal alien ?

  3. Northwest Woodsman: Follow the money. All of these refugee organizations receive huge amounts of federal money for their resettlement of these foreign invaders. Catholic Charities, Lutheran Services, etc., they are all on the take and don’t want to see that money source dry up. These groups care nothing for the security and well being of actual American citizens or they would be spreading money around in our own communities that need help. Trailers, all of them.

  4. They would also make them speak clear and write English, instead of draining my SSI and benefits along with me having to pay their medical, education, food, home, utilities and other living expenses. These illegals live and eat better than I do.

  5. I believe you're right-- in the end it's all about the money. Yes, bleeding heart liberals, but that's not the real motive. They get a self-righteous satisfaction out of it, but the money makes the wheels go around.

  6. I think that every Democrat who wants open borders should be allowed to adopt a immigrant family, supply them housing, get them medical services, get them a job, ensure they learn how to speak American and supply annual updates on their progress. If they don't want to do this then why should anyone else do it?

  7. The Episcopal church has lost over half of its membership due to their gay and left wing practices. I have been a member for 35 years and my Uncle was a Episcopal minister for 40 years and left the church a substantial $ upon his death . He would roll over in his grave if could see what the liberal lack of leadership has done to the church! I recently had the displeasure to attend a Diocese convention where Rev Curry spoke. This was more like a rally for the democrat party. It had very little to do with God just politics and other cultures besides ours. I and numerous others walked out. Our church is conservative, but most on the Eastern Shore have gay pastors and are left wing radicals!

  8. Lets face it Anybody in MD making this comment is the reason
    MD is losing population. It is run by idiots


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