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Monday, September 30, 2019

Letter to UN from 500 scientists and professionals: There is no climate emergency.

Your Excellencies,

There is no climate emergency.
A global network of more than 500 knowledgeable and experienced scientists and professionals in climate and related fields have the honor to address to Your Excellencies the attached European Climate Declaration, for which the signatories to this letter are the national ambassadors.

The general-circulation models of climate on which international policy is at present founded are unfit for their purpose. Therefore, it is cruel as well as imprudent to advocate the squandering of trillions on the basis of results from such immature models. Current climate policies pointlessly, grievously undermine the economic system, putting lives at risk in countries denied access to affordable, continuous electrical power.

Continue with letter HERE


  1. In the infamous words of Homer Simpson: doh !!!

  2. Of course there is not, and if there was, there is nothing HUMANS CAN DO ABOUT IT, it would be the cycle of the earth, and you can't stop that!!!!

    And let me point out a fact for you obtuse people... If you have to change your argument 3 different times, then what you speak about is fake, PERIOD!!!!! Oh its global warming, oppps ice is forming, oh so now it is Global cooling, oppps the ice is melting, lets call it Climate change, since the weather changes everyday, they can't dare challenge us on that...

  3. This is about destroying America and the Democrats are all for it. Always follow the money. They have been bought off by the globalists or promised to be the ruling elite forever. There is no GOP candidate in the foreseeable future who can win. And once the election process is compromised, we will get communist style elections.


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