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Monday, September 30, 2019

Embarrassing Leaks Led to Clampdown on Trump’s Phone Records

The White House moved to clamp down on access to records of presidential phone calls after problematic leaks of sensitive discussions early in the Trump administration, according to people with knowledge of the actions, culminating in the use of a secret national security server which is now central to the impeachment probe.

Back-to-back leaks of controversial remarks by President Trump during calls with leaders of Mexico and Australia resulted from an unusually loose record-distribution policy in the first days of the Trump White House, one of these people said, leading to the secret server’s eventual use for records of calls involving leaders of Saudi Arabia, Russia and Ukraine.

White House officials also moved to significantly limit the number of individuals who could listen in on many of his calls, or who could access the records after those calls were concluded, the people said.



  1. So this makes perfect sense. the deep state was the cause of the crackdown and now they want to try and use that against the president. it just keeps getting better


  2. How can a president conduct business with foreign leaders if their private, candid conversations are going to be all over the front page of the New York Times?

    The 'leakers' are traitors. Saboteurs. He has every right to secure the info and should find and JAIL the traitors.

  3. If this had happened to Obama the media would be screaming for someones head. I can hear them now! This is treason and the Presidents calls are classified and private ! But not for President Trump

    TRUMP 2020


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