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Sunday, September 29, 2019

Maryland Comptroller, Peter Franchot's Chief of Staff, Len Foxwell, caught berating another County Liquor Board.


Maryland Comptroller, Peter Franchot's Chief of Staff, Len Foxwell, caught berating another County Liquor Board. This time the Talbot County Liquor Board in a Facebook group and on his personal FB page.


  1. Len Foxwell is nothing but a damn BULLY!!

  2. Yep, Len Foxwell is nothing but a little Cyberbully hiding behind the keyboard. I love how he touts on his FB page "Chief of Staff, Comptroller of Maryland" as if he is something important. He is a poster child for Socialist America.

  3. LenFoxwell needs to see how it is in the unemployment line. Geez what does it take to get rid of this guy.

  4. Len Foxwell's post in the group was obviously meant to stir crap with the Ice Cream Shop and the Talbot Liquor Board and many nasty comments about the businesses and the people are coming out. But this one is funny, even Foxwell's sister disagrees with this little stunt of his. Her is his sisters post.


    Julia P. Foxwell said... I love you, brother. I love Joe Petro. I LOVE Snifter's Craft Beer and Wine Bistro - Easton. But hey...I love Bonheur Ice Cream & Pie, Sunflowers, and Weathergage. The more smart growth the better. There’s room for everyone. I’m sorry it was an arduous process for Snifters but let’s not put the stink on Paul.

  5. Anonymous said...
    LenFoxwell needs to see how it is in the unemployment line. Geez what does it take to get rid of this guy.

    September 26, 2019 at 4:43 PM

    Getting rid of Peter Franchot. Remember his nasty attack on Alabama when they voted to ban late term abortions. Franchot and Foxwell's true Libtard colors came out.

  6. Here is why Len Foxwell, Peter Franchot and the Comptrollers Office has it out for local County Liquor Boards. They are losing their power and authority on June 1, 2020. It can't get here quick enough before Len Foxwell causes a lot of damage across the state.

    House Bill 1052: Alcohol and Tobacco Commission: PASSED
    The bill establishes the Alcohol and Tobacco Commission and transfers powers from the Field Enforcement Division in the Office of the Comptroller to this Commission by July 1, 2020.

    The third reading passed in the House, the third reading with amendments was passed in the Senate, and the bill was passed enrolled in the House.

    The Governor vetoed the bill, but the House (98-39) and Senate (30-16),
    successfully voted for a Gubernatorial Veto Override. The bill will go into effect on June 1, 2020.

  7. Len Foxwell Active Now(Len Foxwell is trolling for comments now.)
    Len Foxwell said... I appreciate, sister, your enthusiasm for Mr. Prager's businesses. If you'll re-read my post, I noted that my grievance wasn't with him, necessarily, but with the highly questionable manner in which the County Liquor Board does business.

    Julia P. Foxwell said... Completely agree there should be an equal playing field. Obviously. I don’t know these liquor board folks as you do...maybe there’s bias? Maybe not. All
    I’m saying is..I plan on drinking (responsibly) at both of the venues mentioned in the post. Let’s rejoice in the positive.

    Len Foxwell said... Julia P. Foxwell: I believe that's a fair telling of what occurred here. I also believe it's the first time that such a license application has been submitted in Talbot County for a business of this nature. Given the challenges that Joe Petro encountered when he simply wished to expand his menu of offerings at an establishment that already sold beer and wine for on-premise consumption, I find the ease and alacrity with which Bonheur received this permit to be quite surprising, if not unusual.

  8. Len Foxwell is another beaurocrat (sp.) with too much power.

  9. In the snifters case it was because of the off premise license of hair of the dog. He had to separate them and get a separate on premise license. He would have an unfair buying advantage he he could buy for his retail store and use those products for his on premise location.

  10. Len Foxwell = Jake Day's verbal bodyguard. Both are keyboard cowards.

  11. I wonder why Len Foxwell was supporting Snifters and no one else?

  12. I noticed on that last Foxwell attack piece that Tanner James was making some very negative comments against the County Executive. I remember him working in the Executives Office at one time and it makes me wonder if he was fired from Wicomico County? Asking for a friend.

  13. You know it's bad when Len Foxwell calls out her own brother on Social Media. Damn!

  14. Anonymous said...
    I noticed on that last Foxwell attack piece that Tanner James was making some very negative comments against the County Executive. I remember him working in the Executives Office at one time and it makes me wonder if he was fired from Wicomico County? Asking for a friend.

    September 27, 2019 at 2:03 PM

    Yes. That is why he has been attacking Mr. Culver on social media. Another keyboard coward.

  15. Anonymous said...
    I noticed on that last Foxwell attack piece that Tanner James was making some very negative comments against the County Executive. I remember him working in the Executives Office at one time and it makes me wonder if he was fired from Wicomico County? Asking for a friend.

    September 27, 2019 at 2:03 PM

    This piqued my interest so I had to go look for it and I clicked on to see who the "Likes" were. Two names that stuck out like a sore thumb:

    1) John T. Cannon - President of the Wicomico County Council

    2) Lynn Sande - Executive Office Associate - Wicomico County Council at Wicomico County, MD

    Maybe I am confused, but I think this is very unprofessional of the County Council President and the Office Associate to involve themselves in this petty political fight with the County Executive while siding with, of all people, Jake Day.

  16. Oh, I knew Lynn Sande was scheming behind the scenes with Jake Day. She is one two-faced bimbo. Jake Day should hire her, I don't think the county taxpayers would miss her. I wonder if Jake can find a home for Cannon too.

  17. That guy Len Foxwell gives me the creeps. Didn't Jake Day work at Salisbury University for a short period of time as well? I don't think Jake Day has ever kept a real job.

  18. Foxwell is lining himself up to by Chief of Staff under Gubernatorial Hopeful Peter Franchot and Lt. Gov. Jacob Day.

    I hope that Franchot runs and loses and the State will finally rid itself of the corrupt mouthpiece Len Foxwell. We would also be done with Franchot, but Day might still have a year left as Mayor if he accidentally wins re-election in November.

  19. Rumor has it. And I believe it is true. Foxwell is going to be Fake Jake's campaign manager when Gay Day runs for Lt. Governor under Franchot. The comptroller is supposed to be non-partisan and Foxwell is campaigning for Jake the Snake Day. Corruption. If you vote for Lazy Day and he wins, your vote is for old man Heath for Mayor, who can't remember what year it is because he's so senile. Ass Rake Jake will only be mayor for 2 years. You guys better vote for King.

  20. Gay Day wants his own liquor board in Salisbury costing the tax payers more money. Sure all his cronies will be on that board.

  21. Len Foxwell is a piece of crap. Hope he and Franchot lose their jobs.

  22. Anonymous said...
    Oh, I knew Lynn Sande was scheming behind the scenes with Jake Day. She is one two-faced bimbo. Jake Day should hire her, I don't think the county taxpayers would miss her. I wonder if Jake can find a home for Cannon too.

    September 27, 2019 at 5:14 PM

    WTF!! Jake Day has a plant in the County GOB?


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