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Sunday, September 15, 2019

Conservative Activist Returns to Baltimore for Second Trash Cleanup

A conservative activist and several volunteers picked up trash for the second time this year on Monday in Baltimore, Maryland.

Scott Presler, a Trump supporter and grassroots activist, said his efforts are not about pointing fingers but are meant to help average Americans clean up their beloved city.

“This is not about President Trump. This is not about (being) anti-Representative Cummings. This is about we see a problem, and these are our American people. These are our brothers and sisters,” he told CBS Baltimore.

The group picked up seven tons of trash during the event Monday, and Presler said in a video posted to Twitter that he and his fellow volunteers will be back again in October:

More here


  1. Take cummin' with you. He's trash...

  2. Replies
    1. You know it won't be trending of Facebook.

  3. It looks like Presler needs to eat more mashed potatoes and dressing and pie. If he turned sideways nobody would be able to see him!

  4. This is a good thing and we all should be proud of this group and how they feel about Baltimore and this country. We need more people like this group I hope it grows and grows.

  5. This! We need more of this, with the same spirit and message this man is bringing it with.

    This wins hearts and minds.

  6. I wonder if the city is providing that dumpster. I know the first time he came they would not provide one and he had to pay for the dumpster so he could put their trash in it.

  7. This is good. I may go and join them. My husband was from West Balt.

  8. i"d say he's a bit misguided at best. Although he is out there trying. I clean up around my property and neighborhood for 30 years. Still mowing and helping my neighbors. Seems a shame the people who live in those neighborhoods have no sense of decency. but that's what you get when you don't hold people accountable.
    Where are the adults in those communities? Democrats! that's what you get!

  9. How is this a good thing?? Your doing nothing more than teaching these people that the less we do the more we get rewarded. Why would you go out and clean up after a bunch of addicts and drug dealers, they really don't give a shit

  10. If just every person in the city picked up one piece of trash that would be 4 million pieces of trash.

  11. its great that these people want to help. Where are the people that live there? Why don't they take concern and pride in where they live and get out to clean up? Sometimes we can't help where we live, but we can take control of how we live by taking pride and at least try to keep it clean. It may be a constant battle, but if you try to stay on top of it vs letting it all go. It doesnt cost that much for a few rat traps. They may keep coming back but at least they maybe won't be overrun. Same with roaches. Its a battle, but to do nothing and let them multiply? See the trash, bend over and pick it up vs letting it lay there and get worse.

  12. It sucks the dumb comments here regarding their clean up

    it's a crazy city full of crime, trash, ect

    He is a Melanial we bitch about....and he is doing something positive.

  13. Not enough dumpters in @$%^imore to get rid of the real garbage..DEMOCRATS

  14. 4:37 they would just be carrying each other around all day! so yeah no one bothers!

  15. It is a very good to help clean the city but if the city doesn't clean up the crime and enforce laws they the clean up volunteers are wasting their time.

  16. Did he remove the trash CUMMINGS ?


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