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Monday, September 30, 2019

Joe Biden Campaign Demands Media Censor Rudy Giuliani

The presidential campaign of former Vice President Joe Biden sent a letter to every major television network, demanding that they keep former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani off the air.

The letter was reported by New York Times media reporter Michael Grynbaum:

NEW: Team BIDEN just sent letter to every major TV news network, calling for RUDY to be kept off the airwaves. “He will knowingly and willingly lie,” letter says. pic.twitter.com/7oGQ4b3f4X

— Michael M. Grynbaum (@grynbaum) September 29, 2019

The letter states, in part:

We are writing today with grave concern that you continue to book Rudy Giuliani on your air to spread false, debunked conspiracy theories on behalf of Donald Trump. While you often fact check his statements in real time during your discussions, that is no longer enough. By giving him your air time, you are allowing him to introduce increasingly unhinged, unfounded and desperate lies into the national conversation.

We write to demand that in service to the fact, you no longer book Rudy Giuliani, a surrogate for Donald Trump who has demonstrated that he will knowingly and willingly lie in order to advance his own narrative.

(The Biden campaign itself has been known to lie: the former vice president continues to repeat the Charlottesville “very fine people” hoax after being confronted about it at the Iowa State Fair by Breitbart News, for example.)

The statement goes on to claim that Giuliani’s claims about potential corruption by Hunter Biden in Ukraine are “completely baseless.”

More here


  1. This has reached the pinnacle of government controlled propaganda: limiting speech that you find offensive or contrary to your own opinion

  2. Let's see what an investigation into the Bidens' Ukraine activities, just to clear the air. As for Joe Biden getting the Ukrainian investigator fired, well, he admitted it with glee.

  3. Is this defamation? Slander?

    Rudy should go after them.

  4. I wonder what Joe will withhold from the media if they don't follow his directives. This isn't Ukraine, Joe. I doubt if this "SOB" will stop talking about you. Rudy believes you are guilty along with your son and I hope they keep investigating. You that is. The American people are sick of Democrats breaking laws with impunity and nothing ever happening to you all.

  5. Joe also asked in FBI Guy James Commie can do the investigation into his Ukraine bribery scandal.

  6. Demanding Media Censor?
    Sounds like Nazi's to me you leftest pigs

  7. Opposing viewpoints are no longer allowed!


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