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Sunday, September 29, 2019

Crazy Night In Ocean City (Viewer Warning)


  1. exactly what i expected to see.
    idiots everywhere.

  2. Not sure who was the biggest idiot, the driver or the people standing in the road

  3. Wonderful! I wonder if they found the guy.

  4. Looks like attempted murder to me.

    1. More likely just a complete idiot who can't control his car... like most drivers there.

  5. Reminds me of the Running of the Bulls, but this is more like the Watching of the Bull***t.

  6. Wow. Careless disregard for life.

  7. That looked like it was intentional. Go home nobody wants you here in our city.

  8. Everyone keeps saying "unsanctioned", like any group needs permission to visit the island. While they are awful, annoying and dangerous, you can not keep people/groups off the island, in this country. I see the PD are doing the best they can, that is all we can ask for.
    On the flip side, my son works down there and made a lot of money yesterday and last night. I can guarantee you won't hear the business owners complaining.

    1. I think they keep mentioning it's unsanctioned so hopefully people will stop asking the city to "cancel" it as if it's an actual event

  9. OC Council has ruined all their events and now you see the results of the radicals. OC Council are encouraging these radicals instead of working sensibly with them. Same thing that is happening in our Federal Government.

    1. That’s just an asinine comment. They don’t sanction it because they do stuff like this. It’s a liability for the city if it’s sanctioned.

  10. Also the group that actually started this left because of morons like this stopped it but people think the town did it so they come out as revenge. Stupid. Dont act like morons and have fun but dont cause issues. Makes it worse for everyone else

  11. That does not look like an accident

  12. Driver was distracted by a bee in the car. he was swatting at it, you notice he stops when he thinks he hit something, then don't see nothing so leaves. Its all good.

  13. It’s a meth head weekend Ocean city really needs to go after these worthless punks

  14. It’s better than Bike Week.

    1. No it’s not , these are meth head idiots

    2. You never heard of meth dealing bike gangs? Who called meth “crank”? Bikers since the 1960s that’s who.

    3. Outlaw bikers make up a small amount of bike week and there is NEVER the chaos like this.

  15. The police agencies I saw there were OCPD, Maryland State Police, Maryland Natural Resources Police, Maryland Transit Authority Motor Units and the Worcester County Sheriff's Office.

    Shame on the Mayor and Council and the Police Chief for not asking for more resources from other allied police agencies. They should have had the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office and Wicomico County Detention Center officers there. Wicomico County has over 100 vacant beds at their jail so they had plenty of room to lock their asses up. Why didn't the request help from the Berlin PD, the Ocean Pines PD, the Snow Hill PD, the Pocomoke PD, the Princess Anne PD, the UMES PD, the Salisbury University PD, the Salisbury PD, Pittsville PD🤣, the Delmar PD, or the Dorchester County Sheriff's Office?

    Shame on Ocean City for allowing so much distress to the people who didn't know these punks were going to be there. Shame on Ocean City for allowing so much distress to the people who attended the Ocean City Wine Festival. That police chief needs to be fired and everyone currently sitting as Ocean City Mayor and Council needs to resign.

    I will say this much. Kudos to the Maryland State Police Officers who didn't put up with their sh!t. They made the OCPD look like a bunch of Girl Scouts.

    1. H2O has been happening for 15 years every body knows its happening, maybe winers fest should move. BTW it might not be a sanctioned event but OC businesses make a lot of money off of it.

  16. 2:46 PM, I bet you can't prove that it is better than Bike Week. You don't see the meth head Millenials doing burnouts and running people over during bike week, now do you. Fk NO! Go crawl back in your mommy's basement.

    1. Actually you do, bikers are just as bad if not worse.

  17. The police agencies I saw there were OCPD, Maryland State Police, Maryland Natural Resources Police, Maryland Transit Authority Motor Units and the Worcester County Sheriff's Office.

    Shame on the Mayor and Council and the Police Chief for not asking for more resources from other allied police agencies. They should have had the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office and Wicomico County Detention Center officers there. Wicomico County has over 100 vacant beds at their jail so they had plenty of room to lock their asses up. Why didn't the request help from the Berlin PD, the Ocean Pines PD, the Snow Hill PD, the Pocomoke PD, the Princess Anne PD, the UMES PD, the Salisbury University PD, the Salisbury PD, Pittsville PD🤣, the Delmar PD, or the Dorchester County Sheriff's Office?

    Shame on Ocean City for allowing so much distress to the people who didn't know these punks were going to be there. Shame on Ocean City for allowing so much distress to the people who attended the Ocean City Wine Festival. That police chief needs to be fired and everyone currently sitting as Ocean City Mayor and Council needs to resign.

    I will say this much. Kudos to the Maryland State Police Officers who didn't put up with their sh!t. They made the OCPD look like a bunch of Girl Scouts.

  18. This is why ocean city is crap.

  19. I dont see the reason it is necessary to cause a ruckus all hours of the night for regular vacation goers. Fine if you want to have a car event but seriously do you think it's cool to purposely disrupt everything?. I feel bad for families here. It is a total disregard and an example of the entitlement of this generation. Not all ofcourse. One day when they are much older bringing their children and grandchildren to the beach they will understand. Hopefully

  20. Something tells me that Rick Meehan read this berating comment on your post about this. If he was any kind of leader he would have been better prepared for this weekend and he would have had more aggressive steps in place for Saturday after the big failure he faced on Friday night! Shame on Rick Meehan, Shame on Ocean Cities town council, shame on Ocean Cities Chief of Police, shame on Ocean Cities elected Sheriff.

    I will also place blame on Worcester County Sheriff Matt Crisafulli. The elected sheriff is the highest-ranking police officer in the county and he failed to act. The last time I checked Ocean City is a part of Worcester County and Matt Crisafulli has is the highest jurisdictional official, not the mayor and not the police chief. Matt Crisafulli, you FAILED the citizens and visitors of Ocean City and Worcester County! I know Mike McDermott would have done a better job as Sheriff!

    Another H2o Idiot
    at 9/29/2019 07:00:00 AM

    Anonymous said...
    The police agencies I saw there were OCPD, Maryland State Police, Maryland Natural Resources Police, Maryland Transit Authority Motor Units and the Worcester County Sheriff's Office.

    Shame on the Mayor and Council and the Police Chief for not asking for more resources from other allied police agencies. They should have had the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office and Wicomico County Detention Center officers there. Wicomico County has over 100 vacant beds at their jail so they had plenty of room to lock their asses up. Why didn't the request help from the Berlin PD, the Ocean Pines PD, the Snow Hill PD, the Pocomoke PD, the Princess Anne PD, the UMES PD, the Salisbury University PD, the Salisbury PD, Pittsville PD🤣, the Delmar PD, or the Dorchester County Sheriff's Office?

    Shame on Ocean City for allowing so much distress to the people who didn't know these punks were going to be there. Shame on Ocean City for allowing so much distress to the people who attended the Ocean City Wine Festival. That police chief needs to be fired and everyone currently sitting as Ocean City Mayor and Council needs to resign.

    I will say this much. Kudos to the Maryland State Police Officers who didn't put up with their sh!t. They made the OCPD look like a bunch of Girl Scouts.

    September 28, 2019 at 5:45 PM

  21. Placing blame on any law enforcement official is ridiculous! All agencies banded together and did the best they could. Legally, you cannot keep these cars out of town. To blame the Chief, Sheriff, or any law enforcent personnel is asinine. OCPD, WCSO, MSP, NRP, and other agencies had the town saturated. With something this huge, I think they did a great job!
    REMEMBER....the Sheriffs dept. Patrols ALL of Worcester County! They did have officers in OC and were doing a great job keeping the rest of the county safe...these kids and their cars were EVERYWHERE..not just in the town limits of OC!!! I saw numerous WCSO vehicles in other parts of the county...in full force...ensuring everyone was safe! Shame on any of you that didn't think they did a great job!!! These kids and their cars were coming regardless and law enforcement was prepared and did a great job given the scope of this non-sanctioned event!
    The people of Worcester County elected the right Sheriff!! Sheriff Crisafulli is doing an outstanding job! He is personally out and about in the communities talking to citizens, hearing their concerns and doing something about them! Keep up the good work!

  22. The city just needs to make their stay uncomfortable and costly , keep hitting them in the wallet with fines . Pass special event noise ordinances and write thousands of tickets


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