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Sunday, September 29, 2019

The 'OK' Hand Gesture Is Now Listed As A Symbol Of Hate

The "OK" hand gesture, commonly seen as a way of indicating that all is well, has now been classified as something else: a symbol of hate.

On Thursday, the Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish civil rights organization, added 36 symbols to its "Hate on Display" database including the index finger-to-thumb sign that in some corners of the Internet has become associated with white supremacy and the far right.

Oren Segal, director of the ADL's Center on Extremism, told NPR that for years on fringe online message boards such as 4chan and 8chan, the "OK" sign has been deployed in memes and other images promoting hate. Given the number of white supremacists who have adopted it, he said it can now carry a nefarious message.



  1. "Anti-Defamation League", my ass
    Grow up boys and girls

  2. Northwest Woodsman: Wow , President Trump has been a primary reason all of these clowns have crawled from under their rocks over the last couple of years. I read news articles and shake my head in disbelief over the outright fabrications created by the Marxist Democrat’s and marvel at the way they follow the Rules For Radicals manual in their attempt to destroy white western culture and civilization. It puzzles me as to what role they think they will play if they achieve their goal.

  3. 4chan is a message board that is completely uncensored. There is white supremacy postings. There are also transvestite sex videos, inter-racial cuckold porn and extremist Antifa postings. The fact that it is uncensored was why it was used by Q-Anon and others to send out information and documents not being released by MSM or covered up by government. Members post anonymous, with that being in the name tag on each post. That is how Anonymous and Q-Anon got their names. That's why they want to label it white supremacist, when really because of its openness you can find anything you want or don't want ðŸĪŪ

    1. White supremacy ? You mean PATRIOTS ? DO you say the same of The New black PANTHERS ,Blm, The black ISRAELITES???? FN HYPOCRITE.

  4. 👌🏞 ðŸĪŠ

  5. 10:18
    That hand gesture is still allowed it seems. Next you will hear it has been banned because it is attempted rape.

    1. Joe the also said a white BOWL Haircut is RACIST 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  6. I do give Liberals the middle finger salute.

  7. Wonder What Popping "The Bird " Now Stands For ????

  8. I consider the handshakes that blacks do an emotional trigger and extremely racist. But, the 1st amendment allows them to do this and I agree with the 1st amendment. Nowhere on my birth certificate do it say life will be without trials and tribulations.

    1. Long live buckwheat remember him but.. today it be in appropriate
      He used that symbol
      o tay

  9. "They" can call it whatever "they' want, but it still means okay to me. It's my freedom of speech. I can't help it if some groups want to find a hateful message with their demented thinking. They are crazy to think it is a symbol for anything else but "okay." That's what its always been, and that's what it will always be. I can even think of anybody that I know that would interpret that "sign" as anything else. I'll try to make sure I don't flash it to any Jews though. I don't want my Jewish friends heads to explode over an innocent okay sign.

  10. 10:13 lol white western culture.

  11. Ahyyy but the Middle finger will stand the test of time ...in this situation i feel its Appropriate..middle finger coming up on this one...

  12. We were instructed not to do this gesture, among others, while deployed in the Middle East because the Muslims consider this to be the "Eye of the Devil". I used it all the time over there. AND, I showed the bottoms of my boots whenever possible too!! :)

  13. Back in the 50s you could go into a bar and make the three ring sign for Ballantine beer!!!

  14. What about the blacks going around with their azz hanging out of their pants? What does that symbolize?

    1. It’s about creating divisions between the races, these stupid accusations are always from white liberals who look at blacks as useful idiots “in their opinion “ to help usher in Fascism

  15. I have a hand gesture for them.

  16. The hand sign is ancient. It is a 6 6 6

    Freemasonic. The ADL knows all about it too.


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