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Sunday, September 15, 2019

Alarming Number Of Seniors Go Entire Week Without Talking To Anyone

For most of us, the older we get, the more we slow down physically. But for some, growing old also means slowing down socially — so much to the point that some home-bodied seniors go days with little to no human interaction. A new survey of British elders sheds light on this sad, but true effect of aging, noting that hundreds of thousands of people often go a week without speaking to a single person.

According to the survey of 1,896 seniors over 65 in the United Kingdom, more than one in five (22%) will have a conversation with no more than just three people over the span of an entire week! That translates to nearly 2.6 million elderly folks who don’t enjoy regular human contact on a daily basis. Perhaps most alarming though is researchers say an alarming 225,000 individuals will go a week without talking to anyone face-to-face.

“A friendly ‘hello’ or ‘how are you?’ is something most of us take for granted – it’s just part of every day life, but these latest figures show that hundreds of thousands of older people in the UK will spend today and the rest of this week alone, with no one to share even a few simple words with,” says Caroline Abrahams, charity director at Age UK, which partnered with Cadbury Dairy Milk to commission the research, in a statement.



  1. I don't need to talk to anyone if I can avoid it...

  2. I don't blame them. I can't stand people.

  3. I always try to talk to elderly couples or just them by their selves. I have heard so many cool stories and learned so much from the older generation. It also puts a smile on their faces to have someone to connect to that isnt there to just feed them or look after them medically. I usually ask the ladies if they can be my prom date. It is funny to watch them blush a bit and we both know we arent any where close to the age to go to prom, but the flattery of doing it is something special to see their reactions. I have also heard war stories from vets and about how one man helped build the empire state building when he "was my age." They have unlimited anounts of knowledge and real life experience that you cant find in a google search or on a phone. Take 10 to 15 minutes a day and talk to someone alot older then you, youll be very surprised at the people you meet and their life experiences. Remember, they are people too and deserve our respect and the dignity of a conversation. Also the right to drive for 15 miles with their blinkers on doing 20 under the speed limit. Lol im only teasing, i know ill get to that age one day myself

  4. Most people I see and hear talk that are under 50 are Idiots! I don't want them to be bothering me, they usually are Liberals and Idiots.

  5. Human beings are filth. I dont talk to anyone.

  6. As a senior, my husband and I frequent a local McDonald's for coffee and to socialize. That said we met a young man and his two boys about two years ago. The father makes it a point to sit with us and we chat. It is very pleasant and we enjoy the weekly visits. A little kindness goes a long way.

  7. If I need to hear a voice, I will just talk to myself (out loud). At my age, I don't need people to talk to. Most humans are deceitful, its human nature. You can't trust their motives for unsolicited speaking to you. Older people are "prey" to many who approach them. Even my siblings and grown children only contact me when they want something than I have, or I can get for them. Tired of being used. Don't need people anymore except for MY needs. Most seniors have health care professionals that talk to them on a regular basis. It's just not weekly, unless it's end of life care. So, tell me again why I need someone to say hello to me, or to talk to.

  8. I'm a loner, always have been, I hate it when people call just to talk about nothing. I get pissed off just hearing my phone ring. I travel alone,go to sports events alone, I even go fishing and camping alone and that is exactly how I like it. I'm getting old, in my 80's and I wish people wold leave me alone and let me die. ALONE

  9. September 12, 2019 at 9:22 AM:

    I get you, man. You'll get your wish. You will die alone. I will too, unless they get me in a hospital before it happens. I just hope someone finds me before I am half decomposed. That would just be gross.

  10. Anonymous said...

    i talk to my dog

    September 12, 2019 at 8:52 AM:

    But does your dog talk back?

  11. 9:56 Is right but I find that the more I'm involved in the more I like, it you never have too many friends. I stay busy with the Salvation Army Seniors I love to be around them, we have lively fun discussions and learn things from one another and most of them use their phones and computers and stay in touch with what is going on. I did not like Facebook and the crack pots on there and got off after a year. Churches and workout facilities are another outlet, also their is always the TV it's on when ever you want it to be no matter what the hour, same thing with our pets they always want to be with us and keep us younger, and they are good company.

    1. Nice to be Rich. Congratulations but some of us aren’t.

  12. Northwest Woodsman: Wholeheartedly agree with 12:20. Up here, I’m like a Jedburgh commando that has been dropped behind Marxist enemy lines.

  13. Interesting story...comments even more interesting. Changing times indeed.

  14. 9:56, Chris you are to be commended for your maturity
    morals , values and kindness!
    The problem with this world now is that is being lost
    by so many.

  15. They're called "Grumpy Old Men."


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