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Sunday, September 15, 2019

Chris Coons to Beto O'Rourke: You are so not helping

Sen. Chris Coons, a Democrat from Delaware, must be hopping mad that 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke is calling for the forced, mandatory confiscation of all AR-15 and AR-15-style rifles.

Just think of the years of care and effort that gun control activists such as Coons have put into trying to convince voters that no one is coming for their guns. All that careful wording and rhetorical finesse, just poof! Up in smoke, because a former Texas congressman has aspirations for the presidency.

It's not easy watching all your hard work get destroyed by someone else's publicity stunt.



  1. Well that's because coons is a Lying deceiving piece of ship

  2. let them all tear each other's throats out!

  3. You mean shit. And he is. He just trys from another angle to take our guns.

  4. Replies
    1. No. Coons is the bald clown (like Biden) that hasn’t bought his plugs yet.

  5. I personally don't know Beto. However, He is making himself quite the fool with his "outrage". Check his past when he was with his band. Dude is a far left nut job trying to look presidential. He and his campaign blew it big time when they lost to Cruz after spending boat loads of money. He is not electable and really showed his colors when he claimed he would confiscate all assault rifles. Perhaps he should just skate board into obscurity.

  6. 711 Do you even know what you are talking about? I doubt it. DE has concealed carry and recognizes out of state licenses.

  7. 7:11 you’re exactly correct Coons is the old school liberal that hides who he is but make no mistake he and Beto believe in the same things

  8. HAHAHA. Look at Delaware BOOB. You haven't helped your entire career MUCKING UP DELAWARE. You MUCKED UP NEW CASTLE COUNTY with your ASININE behavior.

  9. Beto should play tambourine in Martinez OweMalley's band.

  10. Democrats are mad because Beto spilled the big secret, thy were always going after our guns!

  11. If you saw someone like O'Rourke in a grocery store aisle you might think to yourself, "Hmm. This guy seems to be off his meds."

  12. Funny how a convicted burglar wants to take away our guns


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