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Sunday, September 15, 2019

6.2 Million Americans Drop off Food Stamps Under Trump — Saving the Country $9 Billion Annually

At least 6.2 million Americans have dropped off food stamps since President Trump came into office in January 2017.

The average monthly benefit for SNAP food stamp recipients is $121 per person. With 6.2 million off of food stamps President Trump saved the country $9 billion annually.

“The average monthly benefit for SNAP fod stamp recipients is $121 per person. With 6.2 million off of food stamps President Trump saved the country 750,000,000 annually.”
$121 per person/mo. X 6.2Million = $750,200,000/mo.

$750,200,000 x 12/months = $9,002,400,000/yr.



  1. Not being moved to the S.S.I. rolls like Clinton did.

  2. if you can't find a job you aren't looking for a job

  3. WINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. This country has no shame! Our family eats mostly seafood on the Eastern Shore and now we are being cut off from lobster? Shorely the people in Annapolis realize that McDonald's Fillet of Fish sandwiches do not match the nutritional value of Lobster or its benefits.

    I encourage everyone to activate and march on Annapolis this fall otherwise those dudes won't don't know what kind of cheap shit we will accept.

  5. Well maybe try some Impossible Seafood or another veggie faux fare. Obviously your mercury levels are very high.

  6. 5:30pm you are joking- RightπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  7. Does anyone know if this 5:30 troll pays his cable bill or is he mouching off daddys internet?

  8. The fat asses on SSI disability piss me off the most. Why should I pay for your poor diet and lack of mobility and lazy impulsive compulsive behavior that you pass on to your brethren .

    1. It was a scam from bubba CLINTON. He took credit for shrinking the WELFARE bum's. But he put them on S.S.I. instead. People who NEVER worked a day in their worthless lives collecting S.S.I. money.

  9. But Demon-rats want to fill those rolls up with Illegals and Migrants.

  10. you wont hear this on your local or world news broadcast.

  11. 5:30-Don't try humor with these idiots.The only thing they find hilarious is looking at themselves in the mirror each morning.Has anyone other than myself had someone ahead of them in the checkout line with a ton of groceries when their food stamp card had insufficient funds?Only having 2 cashiers in the store doesn't help.

  12. 11:27
    YES! They were over by 14 dollars. She took away 1 box of cereal, made them check the balance.....took away another box, and another. Goes to show you they have no idea how much food costs. They don't look at the price. The one I remember the most was the one with 2 carts of food that they used their card on. After they paid for that they spent 75 dollars on videos. Couldn't tell if they were video games or movies. So we paid for the food and she has cash to spare. I haven't been back to the Georgetown Walmart since.


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