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Sunday, September 15, 2019

Beto O'Rourke: 'I don't see the policemen going door to door' with my mandatory gun buyback plan

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — Former Texas Democratic Rep. Beto O’Rourke, a White House presidential contender, confirmed Saturday at the New Hampshire Democratic Party Convention that his mandatory firearm buyback plan would not include law enforcement door knocks.

“No. I don't see the law enforcement going door to door. I see Americans complying with the law. I see us working with gun owners, non-gun owners, local, county, state, federal law enforcement to come up with the best possible solution. I have yet to meet an owner of an AR-15 who thinks it's OK that we have these kind of mass killings in this country,” O’Rourke said when asked by the Washington Examiner about specifics of his plan.

When pressed further about how he plans to enforce his proposal for those who would not comply, he responded, “How do you — how do we enforce any law? There's a significant reliance on people complying with the law. You know that a law is not created in a vacuum."



  1. I DON'T see you being president either ASSHOLE.

  2. He’s right, laws are not created in a vacuum.
    The problem is that Democrats live in a vacuum!

  3. For the sum of $100,000 each they can get 1 of my arsenal, and it will have to be paid in gold and silver

  4. What a flake - desperately trying to be relevant and floundering badly - he’s gone after Thursday’s debate

  5. beto is delusional

  6. Beat o'dork...a joke and a clown...

  7. Problem is if you take a type of gun that is involved in a fraction of shootings why would he not take a type of gun involved in most shootings?

  8. Beto I want you to personally knock on MY DOOR.

  9. You can't buy back something you didn't sell me.

  10. as another article stated, heroin kills more people than guns

    and dems want places where heroin addicts can go shoot up

    wheres the sense?

  11. As we have seen already...:

    Turn-ins without enforcement have essentially zero results.
    Turn-ins with enforcement have resulted in innocent people being killed.

    Pendejo-Beto, your chances of getting elected are about the same as the Turd's new place in MA being totally submerged within the next ten years due to global warming and melting sea-ice!

    1. Haha, that's hilarious about the turd's new home MA,

  12. Northwest Woodsman: I wonder about the mental capacity and serious mental illness of these Marxist democrats and that includes the people who vote them into office. Ridiculous policies designed to target one issue voters.

  13. What a liberal buffoon this little man is

  14. Come for my guns and you will die! I shoot first and will go down fighting!

  15. Never trust a person that talks so much with their hands

  16. And another liberal idiot once said, "if you like your healthcare you can keep your healthcare"...Lies, lies, lies, lies.
    We are not stupid, Red flag laws open the door for this to happen. Every step you take is in the same direction, we know the ultimate goal!

  17. He is going to usher in a "Season to Die" if he ever tries this!

  18. He WILL NOT, under any circumstances, ADMIT that, yes, the police will go door-to-door with arrest warrants and all out house searches for weapons not turned in.
    They will, at least, go to a FEW houses. Then, their numbers will begin to decrease.
    Finally, someone opens up with a .50 cal through the front door and walls of their house.
    This ain't Australia or England.
    Americans will fight back.
    And, like all liberal sissies, THEY won't even be CLOSE to the house.
    They want OTHER PEOPLE to do the dirty and dangerous heavy lifting.
    Keep cheering, you goofs.

  19. So why not just pass a law that criminals cannot own guns or that guns cannot be used for illegal purposes... How stupid can people be?

    1. That's funny 4:08, I hope you're joking and not really that stupid


  20. Beta, properly Robert Francis O'Rourke, was evidently unfamiliar with New Hampshire's motto, imprinted on its license plates, is 'Live Free Or Die'.

    What a complete and totally useless idiot.

  21. He is a poor unemployed x politician on welfare for 9 months.

  22. I am not complying to shit.


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