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Sunday, September 15, 2019

O’Rourke to gun owners: 'Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47'

Beto O’Rourke, a fierce advocate of gun control, was cheered for saying that if he is elected president, he would take action to remove weapons from gun owners in America.

While some candidates have suggested voluntary buybacks for owners of those types of guns, O’Rourke, 46, has gone further and voiced his support for mandatory gun buybacks for owners of AR-15s and AK-47s. During Thursday’s debate, O’Rourke was asked if he was proposing taking away those guns and responded, “I am, if it’s a weapon that was designed to kill people on a battlefield.

“If the high-impact, high-velocity round when it hits your body shreds everything inside of your body because it was designed to do that … Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47, we’re not going to allow it to be used on fellow Americans anymore,” the former Texas congressman said as the audience broke into raucous cheering.



  1. Come get em betooooooo.

  2. How are you going to take them? With pink vagina hats and dildos? No, they will be in full military garb and armed to the teeth.

  3. Northwest Woodsman: This moron obviously has no idea what damage can be done with a bolt action Winchester model 70 in 30:06 caliber. However I’m sure his plan is to eventually eliminate non scary firearms too. At the moment, their target is limited to scary looking guns like the AR-15 which function almost exactly like my Winchester model 77 , a .22 cal semi auto with a non scary wooden stock.

  4. All mine got lost yesterday.

  5. I think it is an excellent idea , lets see how successful you are , you better have an army . Take my guns away your ass , I would love for you to try , I have a great deal of experience in military defense with either AR-15 or AK-47s . please bring it you idiot.

  6. He will swear to uphold the constitution, and then try to destroy it

  7. Gun confiscation WILL cause a revolution!!!
    No doubt in my mind. The founding fathers knew what they were doing.

  8. LMAO...let me know how that works out for you

  9. everybody is a bad ass until 20 marines in full body armor locked and loaded show up on your front step and your child tells you daddy someone is at the door what you gonna do then

    I will tell your gonna do
    your gonna hand over your ar-15 and then hug your family and tell them its gonna be ok

    1. Unfortunately you are right. All they have to do is execute that scenario a few times and the rest will get in line.

    2. A real Marine wouldn't be going door to door to confiscate guns from innocent people. A real Marine would refuse to comply with an illegal unconstitutional order.

    3. 6:43pm. Damn right. Semper Fi brother.

    4. i dont have any family to worry about, so thats not going to happen in my situation

  10. Understand this idiots words. Mandatory buyback is confiscation. Proposing to take away weapons that was designed to kill on the battlefield. Name me one weapon / caliber that has not been used on the battlefield whether they are bolt action / semi-automatic / full automatic. He has used assault weapon which he does not know the definition of. An assault weapon is a weapon that fires in an automatic mode not a semi-automatic mode. Typical Liberal Democrat nut case.

  11. 3:51 ranted, "everybody is a bad ass until 20 marines in full body armor locked and loaded show up on your front step.your gonna hand over your ar-15..."

    That's kind of what William Westmoreland said about the Viet Cong. After all, how could some guys wearing black pajamas and carrying AK-47s compete with tanks, airpower and the greatest military on earth? Guess who prevailed.

  12. I gave all my guns away yesterday to my friends
    Guess they will have to ask them
    BTW I have no friends anymore

  13. It was funny to hear them talk about the strong majority of CEO's of America signed a letter for sticker gun laws all 125 out of the 1,800 LOL it's true they can't do simple math

  14. 3:51

    20 Marines?

    That would be yet another constitutional violation to have the marines do it.

    How many cops do you think would go into their own neighborhoods and start confiscating guns like the Nazis did in Germany?

    1. If it's the "law",every one of them will. Ever watch SWAT serve a felony warrant?

  15. OATH KEEPERS ... we do not like PALSSeptember 13, 2019 at 6:57 PM


  16. 3:51. Spoken like a true serf. My God people like you make me want to vomit.

  17. I only give mine Barrel first !

  18. 80 MILLION gun owners with at least 300 million (read that again) guns will get REALLY pissed when they find out the neighborhood is being attacked BY OUR OWN POLICE.

    Want to bring on the second American Revolution???

    Thomas Jefferson TOLD US this was going to come to pass.

    Beto and his friends are exactly who he was talking about....

    Keep cheering!

  19. The Second Amendment was made to protect us from just such people as him. Doesn't he realize that?

    1. The 2nd Amendment has been compromised several times. From the National Firearms Act in 1935, to the Hughes Amendment of 1986, to 922R. The Courts refuse to do what is necessary. The goal of government is to take power. They will continue to try to take our guns. We must continue to resist.


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