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Sunday, September 15, 2019


New York City Mayor, and not so popular Democrat Primary Presidential Candidate, Bill de Blasio wants to require you to have a bicycle license as well as a helmet to legally ride a bike and promises to regulate cyclists with stricter law enforcement.

De Blasio and “progressive” allies have pushed New York city towards redesigning their transportation away from fossil fuel-powered motor vehicles to “formalize and codify a hierarchy of street use that prioritizes pedestrians and cyclists over private cars [BikeNYC2020].”

However, the nearly 100 miles of dedicated lanes for cyclists have generated a spike in collisions involving cyclists and pedestrians as well as motorists.



  1. I’m still not ever going back there


  2. Waiting for the bicycle powered snowplows, and rickshaw medallions outpricing taxi medallions. And old-timey fire apparatus.

  3. Can't belive that I agree with De Blah Blahs eo. If bikers sre taking up part of a road that motor vehicles have to pay for, then yes, they should be required to have a license and insurance also.

  4. When I was a teen in the 40’s I was required to have a Salisbury Md license tag on my bicycle. Just another tax.

  5. license, registration, insurance same as anyone else who uses the roads!

  6. Is De Goofio still there? When the he!! is his term up?

  7. its about time!
    bicyclist are a menace to motorist.
    if they are on the road, they should have license and insurance.

  8. What? NYC found something they haven't taxed and regulated yet. Amazing.

  9. September 11, 2019 at 7:34 AM:

    Wow! You are one delusional narcissist. A bicycle is a menace to motorists? A 2500 lb car versus a 50 lb bicycle with an exposed rider in the seat? You obviously are the menace.

    1. No. Stop name calling. A 2,500 plus car driver must obey the rules of the road and also look out for you bicyclists who don't. Have a bike, enjoy it but don't dash out in traffic and expect a 2,500 + vehicle to stop in time. Respect the road a cars. If not, guess who is going to win - the biker or the car? Think about it.

    2. 9am your one of those that think a tractor trailer driver can just maneuver their truck any way they want when dicks like you want the road and think they're in your way.Truckers are afraid if they barely hit you the size differential will cause alot of damage or kill you. Like bicyclist, they're exposed riding a little piece of metal, on a lane that was made from grant money where it should not be in the first place. The drivers aren't so much looking at the bikers as a menace, they don't want to run over one of the careless a$$holes because the bikers thinks like you do, that the car can be picked up by the driver and placed anywhere. Who wants to kill a bicyclist, I don't. And if you do, there's dumba$$es that will say it was the cars fault under any circumstance. Like the dumba$$ mayor who puts a bike lane on Waverly drive. Who puts an obstacle course in back of an emergency center at a hospital?!!!! All roads around a hospital should be free and clear. What if an emergency vehicle hit ones of those assinine blocks separating the bike lane? It could endanger the patient and the personnel in the ambulance with all the bouncing. I'm 63, and I am in awe of the stupidity of young people running things now. Drivers be careful on Waverly, actually don't go down it. That's Day's whole intention anyway to make it to hard for automobiles to use that road, to take the path of least resistance, like rt13, or surrounding streets. I'll say it again, I can't believe they would put any resistance to the flow of traffic near a hospital!!!!.

  10. September 11, 2019 at 7:25 AM:

    Never mind. You're too ignorant to understand.....

  11. September 11, 2019 at 6:40 AM:

    I see you are one of the rude ones that think YOU own the roads. No inclusiveness or diversity in your thinking. You want bicycles to get out of your way because they have no right to ride their bikes on the road. And where, pray tell, are they supposed to ride their bikes? Where do / did you ride yours? Got it. There's a name for people like you. Everyone knows what it is. Actually there's many names people like you. Some are better than others, but they all mean the same thing. It's not nice.

    1. I live near Sarasota FL. Just a half mile from my home the Government has converted the old railroad tracks into a bike path. It runs for miles. From City to city. They call it the Legacy trail. Look it up. When you come to a cross road (high Way) you push a button and the traffic stop for you the biker. There is parking for your car and rest areas. Trail are beautiful. Why does Salisbury invest in a similar trail vice lane's along the heavily travelled roads.

  12. I agree with this! So these bicyclists get all these special lanes and such and yet they still pick and choose which rules to follow!

    They sometimes go with traffic, sometimes against, it should be with traffic only or a ticket. They usually just pause at stop signs or lights and keep going, that should be a ticket.

    They should have to have insurance so they pay when they cause an accident.

    Fair is fair!

    1. I agree

      lock them in the County Jail

  13. I have two bikes, A mountain bike for riding trails and one for the road. So that means I have two get insurance and registration for each one?

    I ride them for enjoyment and exercise and for vacations. What about children and teenagers? Will they have to go to the MVA for a driving test and registration? Total insanity!!!

    I'll bet the courts will be maxed out for all the people who are not in compliance or refuse to do this bs!
    Like my motorcycle, I guess we will all be forces to wear helmets as well?

  14. bikes are required to follow the rules of the road. yet few do
    they ride 4 or 5 abreast taking up 2 lanes, and refuse to let people pass

    they hit parked cars, causing damage, and just ride off.

    they ignore stop signs.

    ect ect

    yes they are a menace.

    on the water, the larger boat has the right of way.

  15. If they do this in Salisbury/Maryland, I’ll get rid of my bicycle and get a dirt bike. I’ll be out there riding wheelies with the homies.

    1. Bad attitude - you belong on a dirt bike. We can scrap you off the road when you are done with the wheelies.

    2. I was being sarcastic you idiot. And it’s “scrape”, not “scrap”.

      My point was that the jerks that ride dirt bikes on the road are much more of a hazard than any bicycle. And yet, nothing is being done about that.

      Get a life.

  16. I know guys in cali who received tickets against their drivers license for infractions while on a bicycle. so yeah it's coming and hell yes you need a registration for each one! remember this is about control! keep voting democrat! lmao! fools!

  17. Good. About time they regulate those fools. Plus make them obey the Maryland law that says they have to stay as far to the right as possible so as not to impede the flow of traffic. The majority of people on bicycles do not obey the traffic laws.

    1. Neither do a lot of people in cars

  18. Skateboards need to be licensed and regulated too! They are a menace and can kill a small dog or squirrel if they run it over.

  19. Don't need registrations. Just need bikers to take a test on the rules of the road. Similar to a learner's permit. I for one did not know I had to flow the same traffic laws as a car driver. I didn't know you should go with the flow of traffic or is that the opposite. I just got on my bike and enjoyed the fun. For safety's sake an orientation should be conducted.

  20. it's not the size of the vehicle car or bike being operated on the road. It's more about the idiot who's driving it! pay up like everyone else! problem solved!

  21. September 11, 2019 at 10:58 AM:

    Wow, I don't know where to start. You're just ignorant. So I leave it at your ignorance of comparing rules on the water with rules of the highway. That's as stupid as it gets.

  22. So you call it "winning" when a car collides with a bicycle? So you are a bully driver. You are the menace on the highway. Lots of you here on this blog. So I'll just run you off the road with my big truck, and I'll be the "winner." You should see nothing wrong with that.


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