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Sunday, September 22, 2019

A Viewer Writes........School Grades

Joe I was talking to my kids about grades in schools in Dorchester county they told me they know of kids in middle schools with TERRIBLE GRADES but are given extra points to get them to the next grade ? How is this allowed when others work so hard and others get a free pass ?.


  1. Infiltration by the progressive idealogy thats how. They are more concerned with which bathrooms to use instead of actually educating the children. The Communist common core dictates also factor in...

  2. Look at who you have running YOUR schools for they set policy and curriculum!

  3. Because some are destined to succeed and some are not.Teachers cannot make students learn,but they can make room for those who are willing and ABLE to learn.

  4. Oh please! This should come as no surprise to anyone. Remember who controls our public schools - the same people who want to control your health care, what you drive, what you eat, how much you earn and how much of what you earned is taken from tou to to give to other who don't earn,etc. The goal of the school systems is to make everyone the same - no high achievers, no failures-just plain old ordinary people most of whom can't read, do simple math or think critically. These are the "sheep" that can be led to "slaughter" without asking any questions. Remember the policies for the liberals i.e. socialism is for the people not for the socialist. If we are not careful everything that makes us Americans and therefore makes us different from the rest of the world will be gone! Wake up and get active in your schools - that's where it starts so that's where we have to stop it.

    1. @11:06-And what have you done besides leave a comment on a blog? Is that your version of activism?

    2. @11:25. Ask yourself the same question 🙄

  5. Sadly, this should not come as a surprise. While some students work hard and earn their grades, these students might get their self esteem hurt if they got the grades that they earned. We can't have that. Not in the world of "everyone gets a trophy", "competition is bad" and "you didn't lose Jimmy, you were the last winner." I weep for this country's future.

  6. They don't want those little assholes back. Push em' thru. Your just wasting your time on kids that don't want to learn. If your kids move up a grade to those kids held back that don't want to learn anyway,and they're a year or 2 older than yours, and more disruptive cause they know the system better, then the kids moving up suffer for that. It's a new day in education. Used to be you kept a child back because they need a little xtra boost to catch up. Now with lack of parental influence, and disciplinary issues, and the system being a part of the problem, the teacher is left on their own to deal with it. Why would you hold back a disruptive child that will not learn any more from being held back, or pushed forward. Teachers know what's coming their way the next year as far as students. Keep a couple disruptive kids back cause their grades are low, and get a couple move up. Then you have a bunch of kids that don't want to learn in your classroom. They're teachers, not family counselors, or social workers. It's an endless flow of problem kids. Keep the flow of moving them on and out. Ideals are out the window in this day and age. Teachers know who want to learn and who does not better than anybody. If there is an instance of holding a child back will help them, the teacher I hope would do the right thing. Give them another year to work with an interested child. Otherwise, up and out misfit.

  7. They don't want those little assholes back. Push em' thru. Your just wasting your time on kids that don't want to learn. If your kids move up a grade to those kids held back that don't want to learn anyway,and they're a year or 2 older than yours, and more disruptive cause they know the system better, then the kids moving up suffer for that. It's a new day in education. Used to be you kept a child back because they need a little xtra boost to catch up. Now with lack of parental influence, and disciplinary issues, and the system being a part of the problem, the teacher is left on their own to deal with it. Why would you hold back a disruptive child that will not learn any more from being held back, or pushed forward. Teachers know what's coming their way the next year as far as students. Keep a couple disruptive kids back cause their grades are low, and get a couple move up. Then you have a bunch of kids that don't want to learn in your classroom. They're teachers, not family counselors, or social workers. It's an endless flow of problem kids. Keep the flow of moving them on and out. Ideals are out the window in this day and age. Teachers know who want to learn and who does not better than anybody. If there is an instance of holding a child back will help them, the teacher I hope would do the right thing. Give them another year to work with an interested child. Otherwise, up and out misfit.

    1. The teachers are forced by administrators to keep pushing them up and passing them even if they do absolutely no work in class. I was one of those teachers.... you are told it's your problem and it will affect your teacher evaluation if you don't pass at least 90% of the kids. And the disruptive kids get no consequences for their actions. That's why I left teaching.

  8. He is talking about Dorchester middle school.

  9. California just passed a rule ONCE AGAIN NOT TO SUSPEND BLACK THUGS

  10. Geez, that's a quality learning institution right there. Wonder the teachers havn't blown their brains out working there.

  11. @11:25 Not that it's any of your business, but I taught in Wicomico County for 17 years and am still active in at least one of the schools in the county. I visit schools on a regular basis and am in contact with members of the Board of Education throughout the year. Rather than attacking someone you don't even know maybe you should have some original ideas of your own.

  12. It messes up their racial statistics if they hold everyone to the same standards. Its a conundrum.

  13. It's done to pass the thugs up to the next level.

  14. The public education system is nothing more than a day care center. They just have to make sure no one does while their single mothers are working their shifts at Walmart and McDonalds.

  15. Here's an answer. Get rid of common core and have more diverse teachers. Teachers that also represent the values of the communities they teach in. Take back the classrooms, no more politics in classes unless it is a political class. The multiplication table. Spelling, factual history, constitution, founding fathers. Self thought. Problem solving. You know, the shit we learned. There can't be any winners without any losers. Give our kids back their backbone!

  16. Open your eyes people. Public school is not there to educate your children. It is there to indoctrinate your children. To teach them to be good little liberal socialist. That is why they are pushing pre- kindergarten. They want to start indoctrinating them from the cradle on up. That is why college graduates don't know who the President is, the can't do math they can't write cursive, they can't spell. And some are totally illiterate.

  17. Get involved in your kids so called...."education" and you'll be home schooling before you know it.

  18. Northwest Woodsman: I don’t know anything of the demographics of Dorchester County, but am curious if the problems are related to integration and diversity issues. Back before integration there was no violence in schools, your grades reflected the amount of effort each student invested , teachers were not in fear for,their lives, and you didn’t have to worry about getting shot if you attended a sports event. Mmmmm, I wonder what changed ? I’m sure each of you can figure it out for your selves.

    1. But but but...we are so enriched now! The vibrancy! The VIBRANCY!!

  19. I saw one of the Wicomico County Council members ask Dr. Hanlin about the mandator math classes needed to graduate. He asked what happens if someone doesn't pass. She said they got some remedial training and if they didn't pass the second time they were given a "bridge" so they can pass.

    WTF!! What incentive is there for kids to do hard work and study so they can graduate. There was a time that if you didn't meet the requirements you got a certificate of attendance. Now everyone passes. What a lame-ass country we live in.

  20. "Northwest Woodsman: I don’t know anything of the demographics of Dorchester County,"

    September 22, 2019 at 10:39 AM:

    And yet you opine on things you know nothing about. What's the matter? No blogs out there?


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