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Sunday, September 22, 2019

50,000 Marylanders in jeopardy of losing food stamps

WASHINGTON — Maryland lawmakers sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Tuesday urging the department to rescind a proposed rule that would limit Americans’ access to food stamps.

In a letter sent to USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue, Maryland lawmakers said under that under the proposed rule, 50,000 Marylanders could be in jeopardy of losing their food stamps.

According to the USDA, the rule would close a loophole that allows states to make participants receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits to automatically be eligible for USDA’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP.)




  2. We need to get people off food stamps have needed to for decades. If they don't work their families don't eat it will stop the problem in 30 days or less. These"entitled generations" need to grow up, why should the rest of pay taxes, work hard for 20 yrs plus, hopefully just to survive on retirement which to most of us means the Social Security we have paid in all of our lives for me that was 47 years of working. If they don't like what they need to do and work then move to some third world country, where they will catch on real quick. Can we vote on this in 2020?

  3. 9:32
    Glad you aren’t one of our elite masters!

  4. The entire food stamp program needs to be overhauled. The original purpose of food stamps was to give a helping hand to people who could not afford to buy food.
    Food stamps is now used as supplemental income so people can buy soda, potato chips, cakes, cookies etc. I’m all for helping people in need, but I resent being taken advantage of by scammers.

  5. 2 million unfilled jobs people, don't feel sorry for those who choose not to work and provide for their family.

    1. That’s their excuse to throw open the floodgates to the third world hordes. “Because we neereeeeed themmm!!”

      As long as Latrina has food stamps to buy her snack cakes, she ain’t breakin’ no sweat.

  6. Anonymous said...
    Glad you aren’t one of our elite masters!

    September 19, 2019 at 9:59 AM

    STFU you Liberal, Socialist freeloading scumbag!

  7. Good, 9:59--you are your own master-just get to work
    9:32--you are correct and Yes -Vote TRUMP 2020

  8. How do these people expect me to pay for my drug habit? This will force us to crime.

  9. Cry me another f-ing river.

  10. I have probably qualified for foods stamps many times in and out of work in my field over the years but I always had savings and was too busy hustling the next gig or going back to school to even apply for or consider it. Even having paid into social security all those years I am glad I bought used cars and dated houses and invested on my own. Comparatively Social Security just amounts to monthly pocket play money. It's hard to imagine retiring on it as a singular income.
    It amazes me too the number of young men that can climb in and out of new unpaid for Monster trucks and hunters tree stands ride yet again unpaid for motorcycles and collect disability and fancy themselves Conservatives and disparage others that are sucking at the hand out teet similarly. Veterans excluded.

  11. Van Holland is an idiot on his perspective, since that is the Democrat voters. I am retired and get SSI. I have to make the decisions Van Holland uses for justification and he wants to eliminate my SSI. They should also eliminate the SSI, supplemental security income, these people get. This is taken out of the Social Security Fund and they get more than I get on SSI money wise and I contributed for 53 years and do nothing but lie around and complain. They drive better cars and better clothes than I can afford. Their shopping carts are always loaded with food I can't afford to buy. Van Holland and his cronies can use his millions to support these bums, since his money / wealth has gain value off the MD / US tax payer.

  12. I guess there won’t be as many Cadillac’s and Lincoln’s in Food Lion parking lot.

  13. Amazon needs workers, N. Dakota needs workers and both pay damn good! There is no need for handouts get off their lazy ass and get a job!

  14. Nothing should be automatic when it comes to receiving taxpayer money as a handout!

  15. I'm 65 years old and still working. I have to unfortunately. Lost my money in the 80's. If I can find work. So can these druggie Lowlife's. WELFARE was supposed to be temporary. NOT for 10 generations of families. I raised my kid's. Sick and tired of raising others.

  16. 4:59
    You aren’t supporting any poor people.

    The taxes you pay goes directly to the bankers who buy the US Bonds using currency they literally type into a computer screen.

    1. You SOOOOO FREAKING embarrassing 5:53. ANOTHER so called know it all. What the HELL are you talking about. " Bankers buy US bonds currency they literally type into a computer screen"??? WOW. Certainly you have all the answers. Maybe you should STOP typing and give Mommy back her phone?? DOOFUS.

  17. 4:59 now your going to have to work even longer to pay Reparations for something you didn't even do!

    1. HAHAHA. Your probably right. At least I'm still kicking.

  18. What part of TEMPORARY doon't you people understand? This isn't a way of life!!!!!!!

    1. 50 years they stay on it generation after general

  19. To be honest I've not seen to many to many in line in front of me at the seafood store that need a snap card.

    1. Hopefully that includes the dirtbags at 1 fish 2 fish.

  20. Northwest Woodsman: Another corrupt government program that is seriously abused and riddled with fraud. Quit providing medical, housing and welfare to illegal aliens and we could afford these wasteful programs with less burden on us as taxpayers.


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