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Sunday, September 22, 2019

"You're Being Tracked" - Massive 30 State, Real-Time License Plate Database Revealed

Our worst fears about automatic license plate readers (ALPR) are much worse than we could have imagined.

Two months ago, I warned everyone that police in Arizona were using ALPR's to "grid" entire neighborhoods. But this story brings public surveillance to a whole new level.

Last month, Rekor Systems announced that they had launched the Rekor Public Safety Network (RPSN) which gives law enforcement real-time access to license plates.

"Any state or local law enforcement agency participating in the RPSN will be able to access real-time data from any part of the network at no cost. The Company is initially launching the network by aggregating vehicle data from customers in over 30 states. With thousands of automatic license plate reading cameras currently in service that capture approximately 150 million plate reads per month, the network is expected to be live by the first quarter of 2020."
RPSN is a 30 state real-time law enforcement license plate database of more than 150 million people.

And the scary thing about it is; it is free.


  1. WHERE IS THE ACLU ???????

    1. When the citizens fear the government you have tyranny
      When the government fears the citizens you have freedom

  2. Look up what CHINA and ENGLAND are doing ? It's PATHETIC.

  3. The government will use any means possible to void our privacy rights, as long as they can and still get away with it.

  4. Wow constantly trying to erode our constitution

  5. Doesn't matter to me. As long as it helps the good guys catch the bad guys.

    1. Surely 8:35 your a tool of the fools. Or a cop who has no problem violating the constitution.

  6. Politicians in government out to get us don’t be fooled.

  7. big brother is watching

  8. 8:35. You are pathetic. Educate yourself.

  9. If your child was kidnapped would you want this to help recover him or her?

  10. actually they have been doing this for many years. If you are so worried about the government tracking then I would suggest ditching your phone! wait until they start with the digital license plates! you aint sen nothing yet!

    1. Doing it for many years doesn't make it right

  11. Why all the ones with negative comments ? What do you have to hide and worry about ? And I really don't care if the government is monitoring my cell phone ? So educate yourself instead of looking like a fool...

    1. They all did to much coke and pcp back in the day.

  12. I really don't understand the problem if you're not doing anything wrong. There aren't enough of the cameras to know your "doctors office like the overly dramatic article states. If a vehicle is used in a crime and they know the plate number, it will give them a general idea of what direction the car is headed. So be it.

  13. dont break the law, and youll have nothing to worry about

    1. We ALL break many laws every day

  14. You people let it get this bad, and you will let it get worse so whats the problem???

  15. This is old, really old news. Been done in Maryland for years. Naturally the gov’t surveillance is being expanded as facilities improve. Big brother is watching 24/7.

  16. 8:39 PM you are right.

  17. It's only for Americans. Illegals have nothing to worry about.

  18. 11:42 ah, the good ole "it's for the children" would that be the same children you democrats are so willing to kill at birth or just the ones you keep locked into under performing schools so you can keep the votes and money from the unions?
    so tired of your bs!

  19. Northwest Woodsman: As a former intelligence agent, my advice is to always assume the worst case scenario. Assume that you are under constant surveillance by some government agency. It is reaching the point where you must be careful what you say and who you say it to. You can’t really trust anyone because even a trusted friend may rat you out to save themselves. We have incrementally become like the old Soviet Union and getting more so with each passing day. The successes of cultural Marxism have been phenomenal over the last forty or so years due in a large part to indoctrination of our youth by the education system. Do some research on the Soviet Union of the 1950s and you will be shocked at the similarities with our current society. I hope that I am assigned to a lower bunk at the re-education camp.


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