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Monday, August 19, 2019

Trump accuses New York Times of leading 'Racism Witch Hunt'

President Trump on Sunday accused the “Failing New York Times” of launching a “Racism Witch Hunt” after a leaked recording allegedly showed the newspaper discussing a pivot from its Russia collusion investigation to race.

Mr. Trump was hardly alone. Conservatives were stunned by the transcript of the staff “town hall” led by executive editor Dean Baquet, a recording of which was reportedly leaked to Slate, which posted what was described as a transcript on Thursday.

“Leaked Audio: NY Times shifts targeting of Trump from Russian collusion to racism,” said Friday’s Legal Insurrection headline.

“This is a smoking gun. It shows the most powerful news organization in the country congratulating itself for setting the anti-Trump narrative on Russia collusion, and seamlessly transitioning to setting a narrative of Trump as racist after collusion flopped,” said Legal Insurrection’s William A. Jacobson, a Cornell Law School professor.



  1. Not surprised at all. Is anyone with half a brain ?

    1. Shouldn't be, liberals have done nothing but investigate, investigate, investigate, INSTEAD of joining in and making America great, any moron who votes democrat should be shipped to Venezuela, and forced to stay for his entire next term in office! TRUMP 2020!

  2. Here are the facts, no collusion on Russia with Trump. Russians interfered in last election. Mitch McConnell continues to discard any bill that would make our voting machines more secure.

  3. The integrity of our voting system is and was in jeopardy.
    Can we do something?


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