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Monday, August 19, 2019

Clinton Emails With Classified Info Sat in Gmail Account Two Weeks Before Comey Exonerated Her

Hundreds of Hillary Clinton’s emails that included classified information from her tenure as State Secretary sat in a private Gmail account for over two years and were still there about two weeks before then-FBI Director James Comey cleared Clinton in a 2016 statement of criminal responsibility for mishandling the country’s secrets.

The Gmail account came under scrutiny of Republican lawmakers because its name—carterheavyindustries@gmail.com—mirrored that of a Chinese company, Shandong Carter Heavy Industry Machinery CO., Ltd. The similarity raised concerns that a foreign actor had gained access to Clinton’s emails.

Platte River Networks (PRN) employee Paul Combetta, who managed Clinton’s email server between 2013 and 2015, said he made up the name of the email address and used it in Feb. 2014 to transfer an archive of Clinton’s emails to a new server. The emails seem to have covered a period from about 2009 to mid-2013—including most, if not all, of Clinton’s time at the State Department.



  1. The "treason list" is getting as long as the victims of the "Clinton Mafia".

  2. I was never so happy that Hil-liar-y lost the election. She is a evil witch...

  3. hillary must be severly punished for her casual handling of classified e-mails

  4. These reveals are meaningless unless they are indicted and imprisoned!

  5. I wake up every morning feeling blessed that this woman isn't the leader of our nation. I will wake up both feeling blessed and spiritually refreshed if she is brought to justice and the whole house of cards that she and her co-conspirators have created collapses. It will be a wondrous day!

    (Until then, I'm pretty good with just feeling blessed.)

  6. The day after Trump won the presidential election in November 2016 was like an early Christmas for me


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