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Monday, August 19, 2019

Virginia NAACP sues over schools with Confederate names

A Virginia chapter of the NAACP filed a lawsuit saying school names that commemorate Confederate leaders “champion a legacy of segregation and oppression.”

The federal lawsuit was filed against Hanover County and the school board for the district located outside Richmond, Va.

The suit argues that Lee-Davis High School and Stonewall Jackson Middle School violate the rights of African-American students whose ancestors were held in slavery during the Civil War. The NAACP wants the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia to “eradicate the vestiges of a shameful, racist educational system in Hanover County” by ordering the schools be renamed.

The children who participate in school activities will represent the school, which the NAACP said violates the First Amendment guarantee to being free from compelled speech.



  1. Yall can get mad but this is one time you should probably put your critical thinking hat on. Why the hell would a black student want to give reverence to someone who was willing to fight and die to keep their people in chains?

    1. AWE. Another bleeding heart. When the STATE and country subsidies these people for decades they don't have a say. As usual. They cry because the name of a WHITE Confederate is RACIST. Then they turn around and name it after a black RACIST. SO WHATS YOUR POINT?? Critical thinking isn't your strong suit. Sounds like another bleeding heart JEW.

  2. I knew it was coming. America is one weak country if they cower and make the name changes.

  3. I went to Stonewall Jackson in 4 th and part of 5 the grade...a black girl named Princess ( this was in the 1970's) almost broke my leg one day in class.. the teacher had stepped out..she didn't like that I told her not to mess with a display, so she threw me face down over a desk and kept pushing on my leg that was halfway over the desk.. she stopped when a lookout said teacher was coming...I guess she felt oppressed because of the school name...yes, that's sarcasm... she wasn't very smart, and doubtful knew much about history...

  4. Stop trying to erase White History !!!
    Do Away with NAACP > a Racist organization !!!!

    Let's have a NAAWP if they can have theirs then !!!

  5. 3:30-Agree. get rid f ACLU as well!

  6. Every thing will be racist until 2020.

  7. Erasing the history of Democrats doesn't erase what Democrats have become.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Every thing will be racist until 2020.

    August 19, 2019 at 3:57 PM

    Yes, but unfortunately the blacks and Dems will continue to drop the race card.

  9. For God's sake, you people need to get a life.

  10. @ August 19, 2019 at 12:19 PM. But wouldn't you think they would give some reverence to those whites who died fighting for the freedom of blacks? Then why haven't they? Plus why is it they do not want to talk about all of the blacks being killed by other blacks every single day??????? But raise hell when ONE white kills ONE of them? Explain that, genius.

  11. Next they will be suing schools named for people who happened to own a few slaves.

    Black fragility is corrosive.


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