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Sunday, August 18, 2019

Sheila Jackson Lee: ’Racism’ a ‘National Security Threat’—‘Huge Sums of Money’ Needed to Win Over ‘White Minds’

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) on Tuesday declared that “racism” is “a national security threat” and urged President Donald Trump’s administration to invest more federal funds to “get into the lives” and “minds” of young white males who are “drawn to white militia, white supremacy, white nationalism because they have nothing else to do.”

“I believe that racism… should be declared a national security threat,” Jackson Lee said during a House Homeland Security Committee hearing. “Racism is a national security threat. Before, we would say, ‘you have a right to your racist views. You have a right to believe that slavery was right. That segregation was right.’ We live in an era where that can no longer be allowed.”

Before insisting again that “racism is a national security threat,” Jackson Lee added that she is a “huge believer in civil liberties and the Bill of Rights, and particularly the first amendment of the Constitution.”



  1. Blacks should be so embarrassed over what they elect. But they aren't since morals and honesty is not something valued in black culture.

    1. Embarrassed?? They have no shame. They are SOOOOO FREAKING dumb. You can have a white candidate willing to make their lives a hundred percent better. Yet they will continue to vote for a black. JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK. NOW THATS EMBARRASSING!!

  2. I believe that Jackson Lee is a national security threat.

  3. They should address Classism. People that have tend to be tolerant and get along. The fake racial divides exist between the have nots all fighting over being respected and getting a piece of the assumed entitled pie. People working and succeeding know how to get along they have to. There is nothing to like or dislike about it. Too identify your enemy by base visible appearance or cultural difference is the stuff of cavemen fighting over limited resources.

  4. Marxist bastards


  5. Yup, That's the "Democratic" answer to everything -Throw money at it. What an idiot.

  6. I don't hear this racist that hates Trump say anything about the young blacks that are drawn into gangs, drugs, racial groups such as Black lives matter, new black panthers and other racial / radical anti-white groups. She also promotes these violent groups.

  7. Sheila Jackson Lee is just one of the Democrats that promote violence and the war on Police by black racist groups. Is this not racist on her part?

  8. Money cannot buy our minds.

  9. Must be the racist whites killing all the blacks in Chicago and Baltimore. I had no idea.

  10. You can't fix stupid

  11. Put her in charge of collecting and correlating all info from all races to substantiate. That should keep her occupied and seeing the proof she offers to validate that claim provide real good news copy for CNN.

  12. Same CRAP all the RACE BAITING hustlers say. Sharpton, Jesse, Green, Cummings,etc. Been hearing this crap for over 70 year's and what have they done?? NOTHING!! People have been ripped off ENOUGH by these thieves. Blacks if all levels do what they are taught to do best. HUSTLE!!!

  13. She's a racist that's part of the Deep State...

  14. She's one of the most racist ones out there! I guess that makes her her own fundraiser!

  15. 2:36
    Money is the tool for controlling the world's corporations, especially communications.
    Money is used to INFLUENCE our minds.

    Thank you

  16. I would definitely consider her degree of stupidity in such a place of power as the U.S. congress to even more of a threat.

  17. Simple mind. God how do these people get where they are?


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