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Sunday, August 18, 2019

Nancy Pelosi Escorted Out of White House After Showing Up ‘Too Drunk to Speak’

Sources inside the White House in a position to neither confirm nor deny most reports have confirmed the latest about Nancy Pelosi’s drunken excursion just minutes ago. Lawrence Darrel and his brother, Darryl, both senior aides to Lead Speech Writer Sandy Batt, say they saw Pelosi escorted out by Secret Service after showing up “so drunk she could hardly speak.” Darryl told our reporter in the field:
“Nancy came in and tried to say some things but just kept making that face. And there was like…this clicking noise. Then she fell down and it looked like maybe she peed a little.

Secret security was all over her right quick and them guys tossed her like a bad habit.”

Continue With Satire HERE


  1. her security clearance needs to be pulled or suspended

  2. her security clearance needs to be pulled or suspended

  3. Darryl Darrel?

    Now that's funny!

    1. Newhart show, I am Larry and this is my brother darryl and my other brother darryl

  4. Too close to the truth!

  5. Replies
    1. That is funny, the real story is slowly coming out about these worthless asswipes in congress

  6. She is no doubt a DRUNK. But I can't find this article on ANY credible source.

  7. Lawrence Darrel, his brother Darryl Darrel....for a moment I thought I was reading about the old Bob Newhart Show...lol

  8. Haven't seen this on any media including FOX

    1. 3:07,this is your brain on drugs

  9. AOC is waiting in line to pounce on Speakership.

  10. 2:48
    You see where it says "Continue With Satire HERE" go look up the meaning of Satire.

  11. Yes , Cover -up for her damn dirty ass again !!!

  12. That communist bunch driving her to drink.

  13. Holy smokes some of you are infact idiots.

  14. If that were Trump you would Never hear the end of it !!!

    These DAMN Demon-crats always get away with Everything

    Throw her OUT of Congress !!!! Keep it in the news too

  15. I tried to check the facts and they say not so. But she does spend $1000 a week on drinks on her flights home on Air Force plane, they have to keep record! This is charged to the taxpayers!

  16. Also CHARGED to the Taxpayers is Her Illegal Private Jet

    excursions all over the world, where she was supposed to be
    using just an Air Force jet instead !!!

    Of course ALL is Covered up for ALL Democrats !!!! FACT

  17. She forgot her meds.

  18. Pray for America......ask Jesus to take the wheel
    Soon there will be no time left to repent.....


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