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Sunday, August 18, 2019

A viewer writes......

Hey Joe,

Long time reader. Just have a quick question and didn't know if you had any info on it. I know when Wor Wic put up their water tower it had gone up under strict regulations that under no circumstances could any other business or residence hook up to it. But now Royal FarmS and Arby's are hooked in there and now the Airport has a big project that is going to hook up to the tower and run water all the way to the Airport and to the business park behind the Airport. 

Do you know how all these places got around the strict regulations that were put on the tower and Wor Wic?


  1. I would imagine since the state or the county controls the College they can do whatever they want. What difference does it make anyway. I'm sure the business's are paying dearly for the privilege. How far out does the city water run? That tower only supplies pressure, not volume.

  2. To provide emergency water to both businesses in case of fire. Considering one is a gas station and the other a grease trap not a bad idea.

  3. Eventually (we're talking several decades), the corridor between WorWic and the airport will be developed with concentrated housing and business, sewer along the route will be installed as septic systems are phased out/outlawed, and water will be provided by the City of Salisbury, all at a cost to consumers of said water and sewer, unless, of course, by then the entire area is annexed by the city.

  4. 11:03, I like the idea of the city being annexed into the County much better.

  5. Always amazes me how some folks need to worry about things that actually have no impact on their lives.

  6. More like several centuries at the rate Salisbury is growing

  7. It's called economic development.

  8. 11:50am It always amazes me that people equate over site with being nosy. Someone smashing your face in doesnt effect me at all. But I still recognize that unprovoked violence against someone is wrong. Clearly you dont think that rules should be made based on how we feel at that moment. That makes you wishy washy.

    A signed agreement is legally binding. However because it doesn't effect you its not important. That makes you a narcissist as well.

    Dont be a f-ing moron and generally a sh-t citizen.

  9. The city owns the water tower not the college. Why wouldn’t the city provide water to paying customers?

  10. Anonymous said...
    The city owns the water tower not the college. Why wouldn’t the city provide water to paying customers?

    August 13, 2019 at 3:11 PM

    The county paid for that water tower for WorWic and the Shorebirds stadium. It was the county's stupidy to pay for it when they could have done their own water and sewer. Now look at them today in desperate need of water and sewer in that part of the county and still, the county has no water and sewer. In 20 years the City of Salisbury will OWN Wicomico County thanks to those goofballs in the County Executives office.

  11. It will impact the lives of people living in the area. If mass housing is now built because all of a sudden there is now a water pipe running a couple of miles where as before everyone had to drill a well and put in a septic system. Property values would plummet.

    1. Mass housing - in what life time. Rinnier couldn't finish Rowen's Mill. Malone can't either.

  12. Anonymous said...
    It will impact the lives of people living in the area. If mass housing is now built because all of a sudden there is now a water pipe running a couple of miles where as before everyone had to drill a well and put in a septic system. Property values would plummet.

    August 13, 2019 at 4:05 PM

    You can blame the Wicomico County Executive and County Council for giving in to Jake Day and the City for allowing the city to annex in the county. Wicomico County will soon be Ghetto 'Bury is these county elected officials don't stop Jake Day and the city.

  13. I sure hope that someone . . .anyone . . .will go up on the water towers south side and repair the rust before the tower springs a leak. I am not kidding . . .go look at it for yourself. It looks to me that the sheet steel might be defective.

  14. The water tower was erroronously built to high and is in violation of the FAA's heigth criteria for runway 5-23. It really should be relocated.

    1. No the tower is actually 2.34 feet lower than the maximum allowed height.

  15. To 6:03 poster, the water tower height violates the glide slope approach for the airports (ILS) Instrument Landing System. The height violation was not noticed until after the FAA's latest study. The county officials do not want the news to be made public. It's a life safety issue.

    1. Not in violation FAA changed criteria after tower was built. FED'S required to fund new tower or approve waiver. Guess which one happened.

  16. 8:07 - Let's just hope that none of the cell site tower providers decide to attach antenna to the top of this structure. If you are right - that's really cutting it close wouldn't you say. 2'4" is very close considering that we now have fairly large jets being frequently injected into the area.

  17. Members of the good ole boys club must get preferential treatment.


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