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Monday, August 19, 2019

Officials investigating reason for over 4,000% rise in kids seeking sex ‘change’ treatments

(LifeSiteNews) – Officials in the United Kingdom want to know why there has been an explosion in the number of kids seeking sex “change” treatments.

In just eight years, the increase in children seeking to transgender themselves has gone up 4,500 percent for girls and 1,250 percent for boys.

During the reporting year “2009/10 a total of 40 girls were referred by doctors for gender treatment,” according to a report by UK’s The Telegraph. “By 2017/18 that number had soared to 1,806. Referrals for boys have risen from 57 to 713 in the same period.”

“Officials in the Government Equalities Office will look into whether the influence of social media is driving more children to consider changing sex, and whether it is appropriate to treat pre-pubescent children with drugs,” according to the The Telegraph report.



  1. Look this up
    Democrat allows mock Trump assassination at his rally.?

  2. It is called a mental disorder, that you fools keep pushing on young kids that can't comprehend this crap... And you are doing a mind job on them, in the process... Kinda like how you moronic dumb-asses thing ADHD is a real thing and that you need harmful chemicals to fix it... Why becasue a kid is being a kid and you don't like it or have the patience to deal with it so you say they have some imbalance or disorder???

    Look up what drapetomania is... This is what they claim slaves had as a mental disorder, wanting to be free and not slaves and when they ran away they didn't know better, they had drapetomania... Get real people, that is like me saying you have ADHD becasue you don't want to be shot by a criminal...

    What this tells you is, 90% of what is in the book for disorders are made up, and there are no objective scientific test that can prove to be or not to be... Tell me ney-sayers, who's brain did they use to determine and model, so that you or your kids brain is not the same and thus needs toxic chemicals to fix it???? Where all kids are hyper but not it ids a disorder???

  3. I don't believe this propaganda. They're just trying to make it seem like alot of people are doing it to provide relevance.

  4. It's brainwashing through our education system by the progressive left. Your child or grandchild may be next.

  5. It's because parents and too busy to be parents and guide their kids as to what is morally correct.

  6. This is to destroy a future British military.

  7. It's the new FAD. And everybody wants in on it. Even the reboot of Nickelodeon's Rocko's Modern Life was about a character who changed his sex.

    The Methodist church won't be far behind.

  8. Well the girls to guys will at least make more money and get more respect if they can pass.

  9. Today the nurse in my Gynecologist office asked my what I identify as? We both laughed.

  10. Anyone that would allow their own child to have a sex change needs to be charged criminally.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Today the nurse in my Gynecologist office asked my what I identify as? We both laughed.

    August 19, 2019 at 7:57 PM

    Was I supposed to laugh?? This is embarrassing and nothing about it is funny. What a freaking Dumba$$ you are! Moron!


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