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Monday, August 19, 2019

Top Ten Contradictions Of The Left


  1. I'm offended by this video. Think I'll color my hair purple, put a mask on and go stop traffic now

  2. 3:35 PM - Mom will leave fresh lemonade and popcorn in your basement retreat.

  3. "Not only has the street been simplified via the removal of multiple, unnecessary turn lanes and median striping,"

    Multiple unnecessary turn lanes?? This, folks, is why we have to make sure that Jake Day and Manure Bota don't get re-elected. Turn lanes were a Federal initiative to reduce fuel consumption by having unnecessary cars and trucks idling unnecessarily and burning unnecessary fuel.

    So much fro AOC's "Green New Deal." Jake Day and Manure Bota are real dumba$$es.

  4. Fatal cyclist collisions have been as high as 783 across the United States in recent years, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

    So please tell us when the last fatal bicycle collision was?


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