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Sunday, August 18, 2019

Nolte: CNN, Beto O’Rourke Target Conservative Media as Terrorist Organizations

According to far-left CNN and imploding Democrat presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke, Breitbart News, Fox News, and Sinclair News are terrorist organizations sowing “seeds of terror.”

And when you label an American, or an American company, a terrorist organization, you are deliberately painting a target on their back and calling for violence against them.

Because I don’t want to contribute to the spread of fake news or the climate of violence and intimidation that irresponsible and dangerous outlets like CNN have already ginned up against the political right, I’m not going to link O’Rourke’s incendiary smear published at CNN, but here are the pertinent quotes:

When President Donald Trump describes Mexican immigrants as “rapists” and “bringing crime,” or refers to undocumented immigrants as individuals who “infest our country” — he speaks not as America’s President but as an emissary of hate. And his vilification and fear-mongering connect with those who are open to receiving it.

The seeds of terror we saw that August day are transmitted day and night on Fox News, the most watched cable news channel in the country. They are amplified by right-wing websites like Breitbart, and in messages forced onto local news broadcasts by Sinclair Media.

The fact that it is now considered an act of terrorism for right-leaning media outlets to express opinions and ideas that are mainstream and reflected in the law, opinions about illegal immigration and border enforcement, not only tells you how far off the deep end the left has gone, but the lengths to which they will go to snuff out competing ideas, to intimidate and bully us into silence.

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  2. Beto I hope your on the front line when the civil war starts ? Pussy.

  3. Conservative media picks up on every BS claim and conspiracy spread by Russian bots amd propaganda agents. They then spread it throughout the US. They are not terrorists but clearly are co-conspirators in the campaign to sow fear, andger, confusion, and deviseness across the US. All in the pursuit of profits. Then you clowns have the nerve to calk them patriots.

    1. "Conservatives...in the pursuit of profits" hmmm! Let's see pursue profits as a conservative or become a liberal and run a city such as Baltimore and just take the money right out of the coffers with no accountability as to where the tens of millions went? I would rather "pursue" profits legally rather than stick my hand in the "cookie jar" and see how many and for how long I can get away with taking the cookies!!

    2. Way to deflect buddy. Touche'

    3. 4:12 pot. kettle.

  4. And when the National Socialists take over the nation, fully half of the nation will be tagged as terrorists and criminals. Sound far fetched? Time will tell. These jerks intend to radically make over the country and they do not intend to let anyone stand in their way.

  5. Democrats are for the illegals...its all they got to keep them in power...how about just following the laws that we have. That's all the president is doing. Enforcing existing laws you dumbasses!!

  6. What a joke!! Nobody watches cnn..losers. beto is a fool just trying to divide us more...God Bless our Great President!!! Trump 2020

  7. Democrats are the new "Domestic Terror" organization, since they are demanding violence. Maxine Waters, Loretta Lynch, Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff, Elizabeth Warren along with the Democrat nominees and the rest of the Democrat party. Whoever doesn't see this is blind and dead.

  8. 412, when you call someone you disagree with a "clown" are you actually trying to persuade them to your point of view, or are you just sowing fear, anger, divisiveness?

  9. 444 the time to persuade is way past. The clowns I'm referencing are the one's who clearly have no regard for the facts. They willingly either make up their own fantasy or listen to every garbage headline they see off a fly by night website. Its sad how in the information age, so many can be so allergic to the truth.

    1. Now you understand how we and Trump feel about you, 657. Welcome to the machine.

    2. It appears that you've become that which you claim to hate 657. How does that taste, lol?


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