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Sunday, August 18, 2019

WATCH! Minnesota Lawmakers just ORDERED the IRS to Investigate Ilhan Omar


  1. Equal justice for all!

  2. Why did Minnesota not check out her background before allowing her to run in their state and why was she not investigated prior to becoming a congresswoman working for one of the highest offices in Government. And why was this not all checked out when she through her hat in the ring to become a campaign for President of this country. Another example of Dems not doing their job too little too late, and endorsed by Hillary Clinton who applauded her to the position of Congresswoman. If any Dems mouth is moving in the future I will question all!

    1. Same as why they didn't ask for Obama's birth certificate.

  3. "Why did Minnesota not check out her background before allowing her to run..."

    Because she is a "minority". Don't you get it yet? Certain groups of people are more equal than regular folks.

  4. Don't stop with this criminal.. this is how they all go from mini to millionaires. Waters etc

  5. Can you say Dem-O-Crat?

  6. AFT Talk about a POS.
    She is one that should really be sent packing ASAP.

  7. wouldnt this be something if we coud get rid of these turds one by one

  8. Well, Let's look at some logic here folks. If she got enough votes, she won. Homework on her legitimacy was not done. Must have been a snow day. In any event, times can change in the next election unless there is yet another snow day.

  9. Bout time republicans stop enriching themselves and do some work.

  10. Worry more about her tax returns than Trump's.


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