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Sunday, August 18, 2019

Biden Clarifies: 'I Like All Races, Even The Bad Ones'

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Joe Biden has apologized for his recent seemingly racist comment, where he said that poor kids are sometimes as smart as white kids.

"Everyone who knows me knows I'm not a racist," said Biden. "I even have a black friend, Barry. Smart, articulate guy."

Aides were then seen signaling him to stop talking, but Biden pushed on.

"Rest assured," Biden said. "I like all races, even the bad ones."

Aides threw up their hands in exasperation.



  1. Good Ole' Uncle Joe......

  2. You know so many readers here will think this is true.

    1. Too funny and the proof is in the comments. Cracked up

  3. Enjoying the continued demise of the Donkeys. They continue to truly provide entertainment as they eat one another and eventually cancel themselves out of any running to be the Donkey Nominee!

  4. Bite me is a dummy. How the hell has he been in government for the last 40 years ? Mind boggling...

  5. The man is beyond stupid now he is admitted that he thinks there are whole races that are bad-- well his votes will now be down so far there won't even be one vote besides his wifes. Forget it Joe your mouth has sealed your fate just sit back and maybe the races will remember you favorably when you die----NOT!

    1. To far from election day to be remembered

  6. You should hear what he say's tomorrow.

  7. He's just so entertaining!

  8. He and Pelosi should go to the assisted living home


  9. I think going back to the More Sarc link to the rest of the article is a good idea. Many readers have trouble discerning funny but plausible sarcasm and get worked up instead of laughing. Thanks,

  10. 457 Congress IS an assisted living home.

    Term Limits are needed


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