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Sunday, August 04, 2019

Barack Obama shares op-ed signed by 149 black members of his administration calling President Trump 'un-American' and criticizing him for the 'poisoning of our democracy'

Former President Barack Obama tweeted a link to a scathing op-ed denouncing current President Donald Trump as wielding 'racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia.'

Under the headline, 'We are African Americans, we are patriots, and we refuse to sit idly by,' 149 African American members of the Obama administration proclaimed that they 'refuse to sit idly by' during 'the poisoning of our democracy,' and Obama seemingly signaled his agreement.

The op-ed, published on Friday by The Washington Post, was written in response to Trump writing that four progressive women of color currently serving in Congress - three of whom were born in the US - should 'go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,' a phrase which many have likened to the racist trope, 'go back where you came from.'

Sharing the link to the story, Obama tweeted on Saturday: 'I’ve always been proud of what this team accomplished during my administration. But more than what we did, I’m proud of how they’re continuing to fight for an America that’s better.'



  1. F him go back to KENYA.

  2. Dear Mr. Ex-President: the constant racial division caused by you has basically destroyed the American culture. The obstruction of justice by you and your Administration should have ended in your impeachment and removal from office as a criminal. Your other violations of the constitution are too long a list. That you have an "organization" that is undermining the Administration is considered treason by many.
    Go away and follow your stated goal of becoming the first billionaire ex-President.

    1. Disagree with you. Ask Obama how much money he took while transferring billions to Iran during the middle of the night. Obama hated America and supported his Muslim brothers. Worse President America ever had.

  3. I think a new movement should be started called arrest Obama and his conspirators.

  4. Obama is the one that needs to go back where he came from, Africa.

    1. Where a town is named after him , his half Brother and grandma stated he was born there.

    2. His REAL name is BARRY SANTOS of Columbia university.

  5. Obama always did play the race card. He started the whole downfall of our democracy
    About time he took credit.
    Karma is a bit$&. It will come back to byte him and his cronies.

  6. Hmmm, let me get this straight. Obama, the first African American President, who did so much for the Black Community in 8 years in office. Only got 149 signatures? And they were from people in his administration. He should be so proud of himself!

  7. they have to be loud cause it throws off the media of all the bad stuff they did

  8. Obama must have forgot about the numerous nationwide race riots during his tenure. As usual Mr Nobel Peace Prize recipient sat on his botox and let it all happen blaming the big "R".

  9. No other ex president has been this divisive towards his successor. Shut up and go live on your tax payer funded retirement.

  10. Go back to Kenya, Barack, so maybe they can teach you that the United States of America was founded as a Constitutional Republic, NOT a democracy.

  11. Once ghetto garbage always ghetto garbage. You can take them out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto behavior out of them. They will always revert back to that lying they get to doing which is part of that ghetto culture. Lying

  12. I just read/listened to The Worst President In History: The Legacy Of Barack Obama. It's amazing how corrupt he was and how many times he lied and trampled the Constitution. He set up a government cabal that still stands, but is slowly being chipped away by the president. I hope that he has enough time.

  13. He is remaining vocal because he is scared of what is going to come out about him, his administration and of course the clintons. I hope they don't forget about the Biach, Valerie jarrett

  14. Because NOT A ONE has held a job since. ITS TRUE. Release the name of the 125 who signed it.

  15. NObody in this country is or ever has been as racist as Obozo and his goon squad.

  16. A.K.A Berry Soetoro and his it Michael LaVaughn Robinson.

  17. Northwest Woodsman: Sorry to say this folks, but the big one is on the way. Prepare your selves as there will be no alternative if the Marxist democrats continue with this agenda. That is unless you want to live in an occupied state or city and bend to the will of a protected class.

    1. I agree. I feel that Democrats just want power and control of all Americans. They want you to work hard for your money but want to collect your hard earned money and give it away to illegal immigrants and whatever they feel is necessary to keep that power. You will have no say in the anything.

  18. Donald Trump is the worst president ever, at least he will be remembered for something. Obama your the next John Tyler, Millard Fillmore, and Martin Van Buren. I actually think people are forgetting you were the first black president. That how pathetic your legacy was.

    1. I'm confused. Trump is the worse President and Obama was great ONLY because he was the first Black President. Now that is truly racist. Don't judge them on skin color. PS. Obama is now a billionaire - he and sleepy Biden must have skimmed alot of money (cash) of the top that was given to his Bros during the middle if the night which taxpayers where not aware of until it happened. Obama go party with Harry (the loser) in the UK. We know you and Mike are God parents. I think they dropped Harry on his head as a child. He doesn't seem to know who supports his extravagant life style. Why does the media constantly address Me-gain every day but we hear little of our first lady. What a shame.

  19. All this because we don't want to be a one world government, believe me that sums it up.

  20. Obama was the biggest racist to ever occupy the White House

  21. He was the king of hate toward America and opened up killing police, and set race relations ack 50 years? His grandmother said he was born in Kenya, she died the next week. Deep state wanted him to ruin the United States, and he did! He gave billions to our enemies and said.we were not a Christian nation anymore!

  22. Barry Sorteo and he had the same exact bosses as the current actor, Mr Trump

    1. Leave America if you don't like it. Leave everything you own and everything you cherish behind because you won't need them in your new country. Besides it would be taken away just like American Dems are trying to enforce.

  23. Obama made it worse for his own people.


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