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Sunday, August 04, 2019

Maryland Governor to Trump, Democrats: "Let's stop the tweeting"

After a weekend of social media attacks by President Donald Trump on Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) and the city of Baltimore, the Republican Governor of Maryland on Monday told the White House and Democrats in Congress to quit their social media jabs, and figure out a way to help reduce crime in the biggest city in the Old Line State.

"I say, let's stop the tweeting and let's get to work," Governor Larry Hogan (R-MD) told the C4 Show on WBAL Radio in Baltimore.

"Why are we not focused on solving the problems and getting to work - instead of who is tweeting what and who is calling who what kind of names," added Hogan, who had once considered a primary challenge to President Trump.


Below is the link to listen to the entire radio interview


  1. Sorry Larry Trump is right and at least he is willing to stand up to Cummings

  2. Republicans of Maryland to GOVERNOR of Maryland.


  3. Says the Governor of 2 of the biggest Crime
    areas in the US, Baltimore and Salisbury.
    Mr Hogan what are you doing or going to do?

  4. Cummings is an embarrassment to Md and Trump is correct about Baltimore. The governor is correct they should get together to clean up that hell hole. In fact congress needs to quit wasting everybody’s time and work for the benefit of the country not impeaching Trump.

  5. President Trump knows how to improve conditions in Baltimore but the Democrats in charge just won’t listen to sound advice.

  6. hey hogan what the hell have you done to make the largest city in your state any better? never called out any of the bs leadership they've had over the years! so it's your fault too!

  7. Message to Hogan - stop bashing Trumph! Trumph is the only man willing to stand up to the liberals, folks like Hogan rather look the other way and ignore reality.

  8. Larry, You have enough problems in in Maryland without getting involved in something well beyond your ability.

  9. Hogan you will not stand up to the Maryland Democrats so Trump has to. Hogan all you want to do is give Baltimore money on top of money with no restrictions / accountability. Cut the money until they get the problems in Baltimore straighten out. Baltimore needs to cut their salaries and benefits, even cutting the ridiculous retirement benefits including the ones receiving it. How many like O'Malley are you allowing to double dip on the tax payer?

    Hogan "NO MORE MONEY", tax dollars, to Baltimore

    1. DITTO DITTO 4:42 and allow abiding citizens the right to conceal carry

      allow law

  10. Hogan you are an idiot! You just said you gave Baltimore 5 BILLION dollars. Obama gave them almost 2 billion. Nothing has changed! Until you get those liberal judges and lawyers out of the city you will not see any change. Just keep wasting tax payer money.

  11. Rino doesn’t want to tweet about Baltimore. Wonder why?

  12. Who gives a sh!t what that RINO says. He thinks he is big man on campus now that he is the Chair of the national Governors association.

    Here is something to think about. Since he is the Chair of the National Gov. Association, or whatever it is called, who is going to pay for his trips to all the National meetings?

    How is RINO Hogan going to effectively lead our state when he is playing National Chairman?

  13. its your state fix it yourself. GROW a pair like our first real president in decades....MAGA 2020

    1. His wife owns those... Long time.


  14. Hogan is part of the problem, throwing good money at bad situations with no accountability is doing nothing but helping the problems. For example the millions that was given to Baltimore to fix their hearing and air conditioning problems. Did any of it get fixed? No and when school started the schools had to cancel school and or let those kids go home early because of those issues. Where did the money go? Hogan wants to give them more so that they can squander that money to. Why hasn't Hogan pushed the issues? Yes i understand protocols but come on, Enough is enough. The children, the children, what are they doing for those children? When the money was given? Baltimore is a cesspool and until you face it and stop ignoring and denying it, Nothing will change, well that is except taxing us more to pay for things that are not getting done. Tax tax tax and then tax some more. Hogan either just shut up or put your mouth where your money is.

  15. Your the governor fat a$$ why haven't you fixed the problem. Stop hating on the president for supporting the American people and getting this country back on track.

  16. Larry tell Trump to fix Baltimore. Yeah Trumps been fixing America, Baltimore is your job. Maybe Larry shouldn’t be wagging his tail to the Democrats, so much and fix up Maryland. MD has been emptying to VA for the last several years. I mean if MD expanded as much as VA has been people would be commuting from Salisbury to DC.

  17. How did being Chair of NGA work out for former Baltimore Mayor OweMalley? LOL Larry and Brian should team up - both are so obsessed with POTUS they can't see the devastation they cause!

  18. Rino or not, Hogan is a conservative who can reach across the isle and get things accomplished. We need more leaders like him. This "my way or the highway" results in nothing but gridlock, then nothing gets done. If that means you call him a Rino... then name call away.

    You know what he's not? A name calling bully. A distraction. A gas-lighter.

    Look I voted for Trump, and he's turned out to be a big disappointment, a real embarrassment. Truly, a stain on the office of the Presidency.

    I want more politicians like Hogan... and less like Trump.

    1. Hogan is a kiss a$$ and you know it. He has no clue how to deal with real issues trump has done more for this country than the last three presidents. He knows how to make tough decisions to run a business and that is what our country is. So suck it up buttercup

  19. 8:28 Well thank God not everyone thinks like you. Personally I think Hogan’s been a huge disappointment and Trump has exceeded my expectations. But hey opinions are like aholes...everyone’s got one.

  20. It's not the presidents job to fix Baltimore It's the politicians and citizens of Baltimore's responsibility to fix it, then the cou ty and state government.

  21. Be carefull if you do something wright in this state, you can windup in jail.

  22. stop bashing the white house you deadbeat ticket splitter.Worry about whats going on in your own back yard.your swimming with the dumbocrats!the root of the problem is cummings! try to figure out where all the missing money went that trump already gave the sh!!t hole of a city!

  23. It is the only way he can get his true message out without it being diistorted.

  24. The media does not report the truth, so Trump bypasses them. Oh and where are all the unaccounted for millins of Tax Payers money sent to "Charm City"?

  25. Need to get a good libertarian candidate in for MD gov. Muir Boda need not apply.

  26. Tweeting is how the president gets his message out can’t count on the leftmedia to do it.

    1. Not without twisting it to use against him.

  27. Thank God for Trump tweets. How else would we know what the President is thinking. How else could Trump defend himself from lying Rino's like Hogan. Trump is so good at what does that of course they are trying to discredit him.


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