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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Mentions of Immigration as Top Problem Surpass Record High

“After hitting a new high last month, mentions of immigration as the most important problem facing the U.S. increased further to 27% in July,” Jeffrey Jones writes for Gallup. As Jones explains, that number is historically significant.

“Gallup has asked the ‘most important problem’ question since 1939, and has done so on a monthly basis since March 2001. Over the past 19 years, only five other issues have been mentioned at some point by at least the 27% who named immigration this month.”

“Immigration is likely to remain a top issue for Americans, particularly at points when large numbers of immigrants or asylum seekers are attempting to enter the country illegally.”

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1 comment:

  1. Joe
    ANOTHER NYC police water attack today what's next acid ?


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